narrow-spectral-width laser

narrow-spectral-width laser
лазер с узким спектром излучения

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "narrow-spectral-width laser" в других словарях:

  • Laser — For other uses, see Laser (disambiguation). United States Air Force laser experiment …   Wikipedia

  • Laser absorption spectrometry — (LAS) refers to techniques that utilize lasers to assess the concentration or amount of a species in gas phase by absorption spectrometry (AS).It is well known that optical spectroscopic techniques in general and laser based techniques in… …   Wikipedia

  • Tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy — (TDLAS) is a technique for measuring the concentration of certain species such as methane, water vapor and many more, in a gaseous mixture using tunable diode lasers and laser absorption spectrometry. The advantage of TDLAS over other techniques… …   Wikipedia

  • Fiber-optic communication — An optical fiber junction box. The yellow cables are single mode fibers; the orange and blue cables are multi mode fibers: 50/125 µm OM2 and 50/125 µm OM3 fibers respectively. Fiber optic communication is a method of transmitting information from …   Wikipedia

  • spectroscopy — spectroscopist /spek tros keuh pist/, n. /spek tros keuh pee, spek treuh skoh pee/, n. the science that deals with the use of the spectroscope and with spectrum analysis. [1865 70; SPECTRO + SCOPY] * * * Branch of analysis devoted to identifying… …   Universalium

  • Mode-locking — is a technique in optics by which a laser can be made to produce pulses of light of extremely short duration, on the order of picoseconds (10−12 s) or femtoseconds (10−15 s). The basis of the technique is to induce a fixed phase… …   Wikipedia

  • telecommunications media — Introduction       equipment and systems metal wire, terrestrial and satellite radio, and optical fibre employed in the transmission of electromagnetic signals. Transmission media and the problem of signal degradation       Every… …   Universalium

  • optics — /op tiks/, n. (used with a sing. v.) the branch of physical science that deals with the properties and phenomena of both visible and invisible light and with vision. [1605 15; < ML optica < Gk optiká, n. use of neut. pl. of OPTIKÓS; see OPTIC,… …   Universalium

  • Tests of general relativity — General relativity Introduction Mathematical formulation Resources Fundamental concepts …   Wikipedia

  • Optical decay — is process of relaxation of excitation of an excited quantum system, usually due to the spontaneous emission of a photon or a phonon. Optical decay is dominant mechanism of quenching of excitation of active optical media. In solid state lasers… …   Wikipedia

  • Optical parametric oscillator — Infrared optical parametric oscillator An optical parametric oscillator (OPO) is a parametric oscillator which oscillates at optical frequencies. It converts an input laser wave (called pump ) into two output waves of lower frequency (ωs,ωi) by… …   Wikipedia

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