- narrow-band laser
узкополосный лазер
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
narrow-band laser — siaurajuostis lazeris statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. narrow band laser vok. Schmalbandlaser, m rus. узкополосный лазер, m pranc. laser à bande étroite, m … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
narrow-band laser shielding spectacles — siaurajuosčiai akiniai nuo lazerio spinduliuotės statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. narrow band laser shielding spectacles vok. Schmalband Laserschutzbrille, f rus. узкополосные защитные очки от лазерного излучения pranc.… … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
laser à bande étroite — siaurajuostis lazeris statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. narrow band laser vok. Schmalbandlaser, m rus. узкополосный лазер, m pranc. laser à bande étroite, m … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Laser diode — Top: a packaged laser diode shown with a penny for scale. Bottom: the laser diode chip is removed from the above package and placed on the eye of a needle for scale … Wikipedia
Láser de fluoruro de kriptón — Este artículo trata sobre el láser excímero. Para obtener información general acerca del compuesto químico Difluoruro de kriptón, véase Difluoruro de kriptón. Este artículo trata sobre el láser excímero. Para obtener información general acerca… … Wikipedia Español
Band gap — This article is about solid state physics. For voltage control circuitry in electronics, see Bandgap voltage reference. In solid state physics, a band gap, also called an energy gap or bandgap, is an energy range in a solid where no electron… … Wikipedia
Laser absorption spectrometry — (LAS) refers to techniques that utilize lasers to assess the concentration or amount of a species in gas phase by absorption spectrometry (AS).It is well known that optical spectroscopic techniques in general and laser based techniques in… … Wikipedia
lunettes à bande étroite pour la protection contre laser — siaurajuosčiai akiniai nuo lazerio spinduliuotės statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. narrow band laser shielding spectacles vok. Schmalband Laserschutzbrille, f rus. узкополосные защитные очки от лазерного излучения pranc.… … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Laser — For other uses, see Laser (disambiguation). United States Air Force laser experiment … Wikipedia
Laser safety — A typical laser warning symbol. Laser safety is safe design, use and implementation of lasers to minimize the risk of laser accidents, especially those involving eye injuries. Since even relatively small amounts of laser light can lead to… … Wikipedia
Distributed feedback laser — A distributed feedback laser (DFB) is a type of laser diode, quantum cascade laser or optical fibre laser where the active region of the device is periodically structured as a diffraction grating. The structure builds a one dimensional… … Wikipedia