auxotrophic mutants

auxotrophic mutants
ауксотрофные мутанты

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "auxotrophic mutants" в других словарях:

  • auxotrophic — adjective Etymology: Greek auxein to increase + o + English trophic Date: 1944 requiring a specific growth substance beyond the minimum required for normal metabolism and reproduction by the parental or wild type strain < auxotrophic …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • auxotrophic — Pertaining to an auxotroph. * * * auxo·tro·phic .ȯk sə trō fik adj requiring a specific growth substance beyond the minimum required for normal metabolism and reproduction of the parental or wild type strain <auxotrophic bacterial mutants> …   Medical dictionary

  • Adaptive mutation — Evolutionary theory describes that mutagenesis occurs randomly, regardless of the utility of a genetic mutation to the organism. If it is beneficial or neutral, the organism will survive to reproduce and pass on the mutation. However, molecular… …   Wikipedia

  • Pyrimidin-De-Novo-Synthese — Unter dem Begriff Pyrimidin De Novo Synthese versteht man die biochemische Herstellung von Pyrimidin Nukleotiden aus einfacheren Molekülen. Im Gegensatz zum Salvage Pathway werden hier keine Nukleotide oder Nukleotidderivate umgebaut und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Pyrimidin de-novo Synthese — Unter dem Begriff Pyrimidin De Novo Synthese versteht man die biochemische Herstellung von Pyrimidin Nukleotiden aus einfacheren Molekülen. Im Gegensatz zum Salvage Pathway werden hier keine Nukleotide oder Nukleotidderivate umgebaut und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Pyrimidin-de novo-Synthese — Übergeordnet Nukleosidsynthese Nukleotidsynthese Untergeordnet UMP Synthese CMP Synthese TMP Synthese …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • prototrophic — [prōt΄ə träf′ik] adj. [ PROTO + TROPHIC] able to synthesize its required growth factors: said as of an original organism from which auxotrophic mutants are derived …   English World dictionary

  • Growth medium — An agar plate an example of a bacterial growth medium. Specifically, it is a streak plate; the orange lines and dots are formed by bacterial colonies. A growth medium or culture medium is a liquid or gel designed to support the growth of… …   Wikipedia

  • prototrophic — 1. Pertaining to a prototroph. 2. Denoting the ability to undertake anabolism or to obtain nourishment from a single source, as with iron, sulfur, or nitrifying bacteria or photosynthesizing plants. * * * pro·to·tro·phic .prōt ə trō fik adj 1) d …   Medical dictionary

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