- multitasking
1) многозадачный режим2) мультипрограммирование
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
multitasking — mul‧ti‧task‧ing [ˈmʌltɪˌtɑːskɪŋ ǁ ˌtæs ] also multi tasking noun [uncountable] 1. COMPUTING when a computer runs more than one program at the same time on a single processor (= the central most important part of the computer); = MULTIPROCESSING … Financial and business terms
Multitasking — may refer to any of the following: Computer multitasking the apparent simultaneous performance of two or more tasks by a computer s central processing unit Media multitasking could involve using a computer, mp3, or any other form of media in… … Wikipedia
multitasking — (izg. multitásking) ž DEFINICIJA term. višezadaćnost, v. ETIMOLOGIJA engl … Hrvatski jezični portal
multitasking — also multi tasking, 1966, originally in computing, from MULTI (Cf. multi ) + tasking (see TASK (Cf. task)). Of humans, by 1998. Related: Multitask (v.). As an adjective, multi task is recorded from 1954 in a non computer mechanical context … Etymology dictionary
multitasking — /multiˈtaskin(g), ingl. ˌmʌltɪˈt2ːskɪŋ/ [vc. ingl., comp. di multi «multi » e tasking, dal v. to task «assegnare un compito» o, più precisamente, un «programma»] s. m. inv. (elab.) multiprogrammazione … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
multitasking — ► NOUN Computing ▪ the execution of more than one program or task simultaneously … English terms dictionary
Multitasking — Der Begriff Multitasking [ˌmʌltiˈtɑːskɪŋ] (engl.) bzw. Mehrprozessbetrieb bezeichnet die Fähigkeit eines Betriebssystems, mehrere Aufgaben (Tasks) nebenläufig auszuführen. Dabei werden die verschiedenen Prozesse in so kurzen Abständen immer… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Multitasking — Mụl|ti|tas|king […ta:s… , mʊlti ta:s…, auch: maltɪ ta:skɪŋ ], das; [s] [engl. multitasking, zu: task = Aufgabe] (EDV): 1. gleichzeitiges Abarbeiten mehrerer Tasks in einem Computer. 2. gleichzeitiges Verrichten mehrerer Tätigkeiten. * * *… … Universal-Lexikon
multitasking — /mul tee tas king, tah sking, mul tuy /, n. Computers. the concurrent or interleaved execution of two or more jobs by a single CPU. Also, multi tasking. [MULTI + TASKING] * * * Mode of computer operation in which the computer works on multiple… … Universalium
multitasking — mul|ti|task|ing [ˈmʌltiˌta:skıŋ US ˌtæs ] n [U] 1.) a computer s ability to do more than one job at a time 2.) when a person does more than one thing at a time ▪ Women are traditionally supposed to be good at multitasking … Dictionary of contemporary English
Multitasking — Mul|ti|tas|king [mʌlti tɑ:skiŋ] das; [s] <aus gleichbed. engl. multitasking, zu task »Auftrag«> das gleichzeitige Abarbeiten mehrerer ↑Tasks in einem Computer (EDV) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch