- multistorey building
многоэтажное здание
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
multistorey — mul|ti|sto|rey1 [ mʌlti,stɔri ] noun count BRITISH a PARKING GARAGE with several floors multistorey mul|ti|sto|rey 2 [ ,mʌlti stɔri, ,mʌltaı stɔri ] adjective only before noun BRITISH a multistorey building has many levels or floors … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
multistorey — /mʌltiˈstɔri/ (say multee stawree) adjective (of a building) having a considerable number of storeys. Also, Chiefly US, multistory …
Hans Scharoun — Bernhard Hans Henry Scharoun (September 20 1893 ndash; November 25 1972) was a German architect best known for designing the Berlin Philharmonic concert hall and the [http://www.hausschminke.de Schminke House] in Löbau, Saxony. He was an… … Wikipedia
high-rise — /ˈhaɪ raɪz / (say huy ruyz) adjective 1. → multistorey. –noun 2. a multistorey building, especially a high block of flats. 3. high rise buildings, viewed collectively. Also, highrise …
Eastside Locks — (originally known as Ventureast) is a major mixed use development in the Eastside area of Birmingham, England. It is located next to the City Park development and opposite Curzon Gate. It is alongside the already completed Millennium Point and… … Wikipedia
Hibari Misora — (early 1950s) Background information Birth name Kazue Katō Born 29 May 1937 … Wikipedia
airwell — /ˈɛəwɛl/ (say airwel) noun 1. → airdrive. 2. Singaporean and Malaysian English an open space within a multistorey building, designed to allow fresh air and natural light to the inner rooms …
lift well — /ˈlɪft wɛl/ (say lift wel) noun a vertical shaft constructed in a multistorey building, within which a lift operates. Also, liftwell …
List of words having different meanings in British and American English: A–L — Differences between American and British English American English … Wikipedia
Buildings in King's Lynn — King s Lynn is an attractive English market town in West Norfolk. This page details a selection of some of the more prominent buildings in King s Lynn with pictures where available.ChurchesAll Saints Church [http://www.allsaintskingslynn.org.uk… … Wikipedia
List of buildings in King's Lynn — King s Lynn is an English market town in West Norfolk. This list details a selection of some of the more prominent buildings in the town. Contents 1 Churches 1.1 All Saints Church 1.2 St Margaret s Church … Wikipedia