moving boundary diffusion

moving boundary diffusion
диффузия с подвижной границей

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "moving boundary diffusion" в других словарях:

  • Fick's law of diffusion — Fick s laws of diffusion describe diffusion and can be used to solve for the diffusion coefficient D . They were derived by Adolf Fick in the year 1855. First law Fick s first law relates the diffusive flux to the concentration field, by… …   Wikipedia

  • Fick's laws of diffusion — For the technique of measuring cardiac output, see Fick principle. Molecular diffusion from a microscopic and macroscopic point of view. Initially, there are solute molecules on the left side of a barrier (purple line) and none on the right. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Diffusion creep — refers to the deformation of crystalline solids by the diffusion of vacancies through their crystal lattice.[1] Diffusion creep results in plastic deformation rather than brittle failure of the material. Diffusion creep is more sensitive to… …   Wikipedia

  • Grain boundary strengthening — (or Hall Petch strengthening) is a method of strengthening materials by changing their average crystallite (grain) size. It is based on the observation that grain boundaries impede dislocation movement and that the number of dislocations within a …   Wikipedia

  • Stokes boundary layer — in a viscous fluid due to the harmonic oscillation of a plane rigid plate. Velocity (blue line) and particle excursion (red dots) as a function of the distance to the wall. In fluid dynamics, the Stokes boundary layer, or oscillatory boundary… …   Wikipedia

  • Reaction–diffusion system — Reaction–diffusion systems are mathematical models which explain how the concentration of one or more substances distributed in space changes under the influence of two processes: local chemical reactions in which the substances are transformed… …   Wikipedia

  • диффузия с подвижной границей — — [А.С.Гольдберг. Англо русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.] Тематики энергетика в целом EN moving boundary diffusion …   Справочник технического переводчика

  • Electromigration — is the transport of material caused by the gradual movement of the ions in a conductor due to the momentum transfer between conducting electrons and diffusing metal atoms. The effect is important in applications where high direct current… …   Wikipedia

  • Stefan problem — In mathematics and its applications, particularly to phase transitions in matter, a Stefan problem (also Stefan task) is a particular kind of boundary value problem for a partial differential equation (PDE), adapted to the case in which a phase… …   Wikipedia

  • John Ockendon — Prof John Richard Ockendon FRS (born c. 1940) is an applied mathematician noted especially for his contribution to fluid dynamics and novel applications of mathematics to real world problems. He is University Lecturer in Applicable Mathematics at …   Wikipedia

  • John Crank — (* 6. Februar 1916 in Hindley, Lancashire, Vereinigtes Königreich; † 3. Oktober 2006) war ein englischer Mathematiker, dessen Arbeiten zur numerischen Lösung partieller Differentialgleichungen, besonders der Wärmeleitungsgleichung, wegweisend… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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