mooring buoy

mooring buoy
швартовная бочка

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "mooring buoy" в других словарях:

  • mooring buoy — noun : an anchored buoy fitted to receive a ship s mooring chain or hawser * * * Naut. a buoy to which ships or boats can be moored. [1800 10] …   Useful english dictionary

  • mooring buoy — Naut. a buoy to which ships or boats can be moored. [1800 10] * * * …   Universalium

  • mooring buoy — /ˈmɔrɪŋ bɔɪ/ (say mawring boy) noun a buoy to which vessels can be moored …  

  • buoy — [bo͞o′ē; ] also, and for v. 3 usually [, boi] n. [ME < (? via MDu boeie) OFr buie, chain < L boia, fetter (see BOY): prob. first applied to the chain anchoring the float] 1. a) a floating object anchored in a lake, river, etc. to mark a… …   English World dictionary

  • Mooring (watercraft) — A dockworker places a mooring line on a bollard. A vessel is said to be moored when it is fastened to a fixed object such as a bollard, pier, quay or the seabed, or to a floating object such as an anchor buoy. Mooring is often accomplished using… …   Wikipedia

  • buoy — /booh ee, boy/, n. 1. Naut. a distinctively shaped and marked float, sometimes carrying a signal or signals, anchored to mark a channel, anchorage, navigational hazard, etc., or to provide a mooring place away from the shore. 2. a life buoy. v.t …   Universalium

  • mooring anchor — noun an anchor used to hold a mooring buoy or a channel marker in place • Hypernyms: ↑anchor, ↑ground tackle * * * noun : a mushroom anchor or an anchor with only one fluke used for holding a mooring buoy or channel marker in place …   Useful english dictionary

  • buoy — 1. noun a mooring buoy Syn: float, marker; bellbuoy, nun buoy, sonobuoy 2. verb the party was buoyed by an election victory Syn: cheer, cheer up, hearten, rally, invigorate, uplift, lift, encourage, stimu …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • mooring — Synonyms and related words: anchor, anchorage, anchorage ground, basin, berth, breakwater, bulkhead, colonization, debarkation, disembarkation, disembarkment, dock, dockage, docking, dockyard, dropping anchor, dry dock, embankment, establishment …   Moby Thesaurus

  • buoy — a float moored to the bottom that marks a navigational channel, a position such as a shoal, a wreck or a net or trap. Also used to show the position of an anchor for attaching a boat and then called a mooring buoy. Pronounced boy in English and… …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • buoy — ► NOUN ▪ an anchored float serving as a navigation mark or for mooring. ► VERB 1) keep afloat. 2) (often be buoyed up) cause to become or remain cheerful and confident. 3) cause (a price) to rise to or remain high. ORIGIN probably from Dutch boye …   English terms dictionary

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