- monotype keyboard
клавиатура наборной буквоотливной машины (монотипа)
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Monotype keyboard — Клавиатурный аппарат буквоотливной наборной машины (монотипа) … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Monotype Corporation — Monotype Imaging Holdings (NASDAQ: TYPE) is a Delaware corporation based in Woburn, Massachusetts and specializing in typesetting and typeface design (type foundry) as well as text and imaging solutions for use with consumer electronics… … Wikipedia
Monotype — Imaging, Inc es una compañía de diseño de tipografías (Type Foundry) responsable de muchas innovaciones en la tecnología de la impresión en particular la máquina Monotype que fue la primera en ser completamente mecánica y en el diseño y… … Wikipedia Español
Monotype System — The Monotype system is a set of two machines, the Monotype keyboard and the Monotype caster, which are used to typeset printed matter. A Monotype operator enters text on a Monotype keyboard, on which characters are arranged in the QWERTY… … Wikipedia
monotype — [män′ō tīp΄, män′ətīp΄] n. [ MONO + TYPE] 1. Biol. the only type of its group, as a single species constituting a genus, a single genus constituting a family, etc. 2. Art a) a unique print from a metal or glass plate on which a picture has been… … English World dictionary
Monotype — Mon o*type, 1. [Mono + type.] 1. (Biol.) The only representative of its group, as a single species constituting a genus. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] 2. A print (but one impression can be taken) made by painting on metal and then transferring the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Monotype — /mon euh tuyp /, Print., Trademark. a brand of machine for setting and casting type, consisting of a separate keyboard for producing a paper tape containing holes in a coded pattern so that when this tape is fed into the casting unit each code… … Universalium
monotype — /mon euh tuyp /, n. 1. the only print made from a metal or glass plate on which a picture is painted in oil color, printing ink, or the like. 2. the method of producing such a print. 3. Biol. the only type of its group, as a single species… … Universalium
Monotype — trademark used for a keyboard typesetting machine that casts and sets type in separate characters … New Collegiate Dictionary
keyboard — Synonyms and related words: autotype, choir, claviature, console, echo, eighty eight, electrotype, fingerboard, great, ivories, keys, linotype, manual, monotype, organ manual, palaeotype, pedals, piano keys, solo, stereotype, swell … Moby Thesaurus
monotype — /ˈmɒnətaɪp/ (say monuhtuyp) noun 1. Printing a. type composed and cast on separate keyboard and casting machines which produce each character on an individual body. b. a machine on which such type is set or cast. 2. a print from a metal plate on… …