- monostable flip-flop
ждущий (моностабильный) мультивибратор
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Flip-flop (electronics) — An SR latch, constructed from a pair of cross coupled NOR gates. Red and black mean logical 1 and 0 , respectively. In electronics, a flip flop or latch is a circuit that has two stable states and can be used to store state information. The… … Wikipedia
одновибратор — моностабильный элемент одновибратор [ГОСТ 2.743 91] Одновибраторы "ждущие мультивибраторы" представляют собой микросхемы, которые в ответ на входной сигнал (логический уровень или фронт ) формируют выходной импульс заданной длительности … Справочник технического переводчика
Delta-sigma modulation — Delta sigma (ΔΣ; or sigma delta, ΣΔ) modulation is a method for encoding high resolution or analog signals into lower resolution digital signals. The conversion is done using error feedback, where the difference between the two signals is… … Wikipedia
List of 7400 series integrated circuits — The following is a list of 7400 series digital logic integrated circuits. The 7400 series originated with TTL integrated circuits made by Texas Instruments. Because of the popularity of these parts, they were second sourced by other manufacturers … Wikipedia
555 timer IC — NE555 from Signetics in dual in line package … Wikipedia
Multivibrator — A multivibrator is an electronic circuit used to implement a variety of simple two state systems such as oscillators, timers and flip flops. It is characterized by two amplifying devices (transistors, electron tubes or other devices) cross… … Wikipedia
Shift register — In digital circuits a shift register is a group of flip flops set up in a linear fashion which have their inputs and outputs connected together in such a way that the data is shifted down the line when the circuit is activated. Shift registers… … Wikipedia
multivibrator — noun An electronic circuit used to implement a variety of simple two state systems such as oscillators, timers, and flip flops. See Also: astable, bistable, flip flop, monostable … Wiktionary
List of electronics topics — Alphabetization has been neglected in some parts of this article (the b section in particular). You can help by editing it. This is a list of communications, computers, electronic circuits, fiberoptics, microelectronics, medical electronics,… … Wikipedia
circuit — Synonyms and related words: O, air lane, alentours, ambages, ambience, ambit, amplifier circuit, annular muscle, annulus, arena, areola, arsis, association, astable circuit, aureole, back to back switching circuit, bailiwick, beat, booking,… … Moby Thesaurus
circuitry — Synonyms and related words: amplifier circuit, astable circuit, back to back switching circuit, circling, circuition, circuitousness, circularity, circulation, circumambience, circumambiency, circumambulation, circumflexion, circumlocution,… … Moby Thesaurus