monitor roof

monitor roof
покрытие со световым фонарём

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "monitor roof" в других словарях:

  • Monitor House — U.S. National Register of Historic Places …   Wikipedia

  • Monitor — Mon i*tor, n. [L., fr. monere. See {Monition}, and cf. {Mentor}.] 1. One who admonishes; one who warns of faults, informs of duty, or gives advice and instruction by way of reproof or caution. [1913 Webster] You need not be a monitor to the king …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Monitor top — Monitor Mon i*tor, n. [L., fr. monere. See {Monition}, and cf. {Mentor}.] 1. One who admonishes; one who warns of faults, informs of duty, or gives advice and instruction by way of reproof or caution. [1913 Webster] You need not be a monitor to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Monitor (warship) — This page is about the Monitor type of warships. For the U.S. Navy warship which gave its name to this type, see USS Monitor. The USS Monitor, the first monitor (1861). A monitor was a class of relatively small warship which was neither fast nor… …   Wikipedia

  • monitor — monitorship, n. /mon i teuhr/ n. 1. a student appointed to assist in the conduct of a class or school, as to help take attendance or keep order. 2. a person appointed to supervise students, applicants, etc., taking an examination, chiefly to… …   Universalium

  • Monitor and Merrimack, Battle of the — (March 9, 1862) Naval engagement in the American Civil War at Hampton Roads, Va. The Merrimack, originally a federal frigate, had been salvaged by the Confederates, fitted with iron armor, and renamed the Virginia. It sank several wooden Union… …   Universalium

  • monitor — I. noun Etymology: Latin, one that warns, overseer, from monēre to warn more at mind Date: 1546 1. a. a student appointed to assist a teacher b. one that warns or instructs c. one that monitors or is used in monitoring: as (1) a cathode ray tube… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • monitor — mon•i•tor [[t]ˈmɒn ɪ tər[/t]] n. 1) a student appointed to assist in the conduct of a class or school, as to help keep order 2) a person who admonishes, esp. with reference to conduct 3) something that serves to remind or give warning 4) a device …   From formal English to slang

  • monitor — /ˈmɒnətə / (say monuhtuh) noun 1. someone who admonishes, especially with reference to conduct. 2. something that serves to remind or give warning. 3. a. a device used to check, observe, or record the operation of a machine or system. b. TV a… …  

  • Gorgon class monitor — HMS Gorgon Class overview Name: Gorgon Builders: Armstrong Whitworth …   Wikipedia

  • Argus monitor — Taxobox image width = 240px image caption = Varanus panoptes at the New England Aquarium regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Sauropsida ordo = Squamata subordo = Scleroglossa familia = Varanidae genus = Varanus species = V. panoptes… …   Wikipedia

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