- molecular theory
молекулярная теория
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
molecular theory — molekulinė teorija statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. molecular theory vok. Molekulartheorie, f rus. молекулярная теория, f pranc. théorie moléculaire, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Molecular dynamics — (MD) is a computer simulation of physical movements of atoms and molecules. The atoms and molecules are allowed to interact for a period of time, giving a view of the motion of the atoms. In the most common version, the trajectories of molecules… … Wikipedia
Molecular symmetry — in chemistry describes the symmetry present in molecules and the classification of molecules according to their symmetry. Molecular symmetry is a fundamental concept in chemistry, as it can predict or explain many of a molecule s chemical… … Wikipedia
Molecular mimicry — is defined as the theoretical possibility that sequence similarities between foreign and self peptides are sufficient to result in the cross activation of autoreactive T or B cells by pathogen derived peptides. Despite the promiscuity of several… … Wikipedia
Molecular physics — is the study of the physical properties of molecules and of the chemical bonds between atoms. Its most important experimental techniques are the various types of spectroscopy. The field is closely related to atomic physics and overlaps greatly… … Wikipedia
Molecular engineering — is any means of manufacturing molecules. It may be used to create, on an extremely small scale, most typically one at a time, new molecules which may not exist in nature, or be stable beyond a very narrow range of conditions. Today this is an… … Wikipedia
Molecular Systems Biology — Abbreviated title (ISO) Mol. Syst. Biol. Discipline Systems biology … Wikipedia
Molecular Diversity — Discipline Biochemistry Language English … Wikipedia
Molecular Physics — Titre abrégé Mol. Phys. Discipline Chimie physique … Wikipédia en Français
Molecular Simulation — Titre abrégé Mol. Simul. Discipline Chimie théorique … Wikipédia en Français
Theory of Deep Democracy — Theory of Deep DemocracyThe theory of deep democracy makes a distinction between merely formal and deeper forms of democracy. Formal democracy is an important part of deep democracy, but it is merely a beginning or a necessary condition. In order … Wikipedia