- modulation generator
1) модуляционный генератор2) генератор модулирующего сигнала
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Central pattern generator — Central pattern generators (CPGs) are neural networks that produce rhythmic patterned outputs without sensory feedback.[1][2] CPGs have been shown to produce rhythmic outputs resembling normal rhythmic motor pattern production even in isolation… … Wikipedia
Signal generator — A signal generator, also known variously as a test signal generator, function generator, tone generator, arbitrary waveform generator, digital pattern generator or frequency generator is an electronic device that generates repeating or non… … Wikipedia
Jaxon modulation — is a modulation system for placing information on a bitstream generated by a finite generator.A bitstream of random nature can most probably not have any extra information modulated onto it. While a bitstream with zero entropy can have any amount … Wikipedia
Delta-sigma modulation — Delta sigma (ΔΣ; or sigma delta, ΣΔ) modulation is a method for encoding high resolution or analog signals into lower resolution digital signals. The conversion is done using error feedback, where the difference between the two signals is… … Wikipedia
Marx generator — diagrams; Although the left capacitor has the greatest charge rate, the generator is typically allowed to charge for a long period of time, and all capacitors eventually reach the same charge voltage … Wikipedia
Quadrature amplitude modulation — Quadraturamplitudenmodulation (Abkürzung: QAM, engl: Quadrature Amplitude Modulation) ist eine Modulationsart in der elektronischen Nachrichtentechnik, die Amplitudenmodulation und Phasenmodulation miteinander kombiniert. Dabei werden derselben… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Pulse generator — Pulse generators can either be internal circuits or pieces of electronic test equipment used to generate pulses. Features Simple pulse generators usually allow control of the pulse repetition rate (frequency), pulse width, delay with respect to… … Wikipedia
signal generator — ▪ electronics electronic test instrument that delivers an accurately calibrated signal at frequencies from the audio to the microwave ranges. It is valuable in the development and testing of electronic hardware. The signal generator… … Universalium
Stereo generator — A stereo generator is an electronic device designed to encode stereophonic information for transmission over radio or television. It generally only refers to analog audio.RadioFM;CCIR FM stereo uses a double sideband suppressed carrier (DSSC or… … Wikipedia
Hall-Generator — Hall Generator, Hall Element [ hɔːl ; nach E. H. Hall], ein auf dem Hall Effekt beruhendes magnetoelektrisches Halbleiterbauelement. Verwendet wird ein Chip mit Indiumantimonid oder Galliumarsenidschichten, das in ein Keramik oder… … Universal-Lexikon
Signal generator — A&V A test oscillator that can be adjusted to provide a test signal at some desired frequency, voltage, modulation, and waveform … Audio and video glossary