- automatic steersman
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
steersman — Synonyms and related words: Gyropilot, agent, automatic pilot, boatheader, boatsteerer, cicerone, conductor, conner, courier, cowherd, cox, coxswain, docking pilot, dragoman, driver, drover, engineer, functionary, goatherd, guide, guidepost,… … Moby Thesaurus
pilot — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. helmsman, steersman, guide; counselor; aviator, airman. See aviation, direction, information, navigation. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [Flier] Syn. aviator, airman, fighter pilot, commercial pilot, bomber… … English dictionary for students
Cybernetics — For other uses, see Cybernetics (disambiguation). Cybernetics is the interdisciplinary study of the structure of regulatory systems. Cybernetics is closely related to information theory, control theory and systems theory, at least in its first… … Wikipedia
cybernetics — cybernetic, cybernetical, adj. cybernetically, adv. cyberneticist, cybernetician /suy beuhr ni tish euhn/, n. /suy beuhr net iks/, n. (used with a sing. v.) the study of human control functions and of mechanical and electronic systems designed to … Universalium
History of computer science — The history of computer science began long before the modern discipline of computer science that emerged in the twentieth century. The progression, from mechanical inventions and mathematical theories towards the modern concepts and machines,… … Wikipedia
Fa'amatai — Three matai, the two older men bearing the symbols of orator chief status – the fue (flywhisk made of organic sennit rope with a wooden handle) over their left shoulder. The central elder holds the orator s wooden staff (to oto o) of office and… … Wikipedia
courier — Synonyms and related words: Gyropilot, Hermes, Iris, Mercury, Paul Revere, Pheidippides, automatic pilot, bearer, boatheader, boatsteerer, carrier, cicerone, commissionaire, cowherd, coxswain, diplomatic courier, dragoman, drover, emissary, envoy … Moby Thesaurus
coxswain — Synonyms and related words: Gyropilot, automatic pilot, boatheader, boatsteerer, cicerone, conner, courier, cowherd, cox, docking pilot, dragoman, drover, goatherd, guide, guidepost, guider, helmsman, herd, herdsman, mercury, navigator, pilot,… … Moby Thesaurus
drover — Synonyms and related words: Gyropilot, automatic pilot, boatheader, boatsteerer, cattleman, cicerone, courier, cowboy, cowgirl, cowhand, cowherd, cowman, cowpuncher, coxswain, dragoman, gaucho, goatherd, gooseboy, gooseherd, guide, guidepost,… … Moby Thesaurus
goatherd — Synonyms and related words: Gyropilot, automatic pilot, boatheader, boatsteerer, cattleman, cicerone, courier, cowboy, cowgirl, cowhand, cowherd, cowman, cowpuncher, coxswain, dragoman, drover, gaucho, gooseboy, gooseherd, guide, guidepost,… … Moby Thesaurus
guide — Synonyms and related words: Baedeker, Dutch uncle, Gyropilot, Masan, Polonius, abecedarian, accompany, admonisher, advise, adviser, advisor, advocate, air hole, allegorist, ancestor, ancestral spirits, angel, annotator, announcer, antecedent,… … Moby Thesaurus