- primitive communal
- первобытнообщинный
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
primitive culture — Introduction in the lexicon of early anthropologists, any of numerous societies characterized by features that may include lack of a written language, relative isolation, small population, relatively simple social institutions and… … Universalium
primitive communism — A term usually associated with Karl Marx , but most fully elaborated by Friedrich Engels (in The Origin of the Family, 1884), and referring to the collective right to basic resources, egalitarianism in social relationships, and absence of… … Dictionary of sociology
communal marriage — noun : a hypothetical primitive promiscuity in which all the women of a social group belonged to all the men in common called also group marriage; compare punalua … Useful english dictionary
Korean literature — Introduction the body of works written by Koreans, at first in classical Chinese, later in various transcription systems using Chinese characters, and finally in Hangul (Korean: han gŭl; or Hankul in the Yale romanization), the national… … Universalium
Dialectical and Historical Materialism — Joseph Stalin s Dialectical and Historical Materialism is a central text within Soviet political theory. The work first appeared in 1938, and draws heavily upon both Lenin s philosophical works, and the then new Short Course in the History of the … Wikipedia
Marxism (Philosophies of) — Philosophies of Marxism Lenin, Lukács, Gramsci, Althusser Michael Kelly INTRODUCTION Marxist philosophy can be seen as a struggle with Hegel or a struggle with capitalism, that is, as an intellectual or a political movement. Neither of these… … History of philosophy
Mode of production — This term is ambiguous in Karl Marx’s writings, but can be defined as the way in which surplus is created, extracted and controlled, and acts as the basis for social and political arrangements. Incorporating the forces and relations of… … Historical dictionary of Marxism
hetaerism — n. (also hetairism) 1 a recognized system of concubinage. 2 communal marriage in a tribe. Etymology: Gk hetairismos prostitution (as HETAERA) * * * hetaerist, n. hetaeristic /het euh ris tik/, adj. /hi tear iz euhm/, n. 1. concubinage. 2. a… … Useful english dictionary
Russkaya Pravda — Ruskaya Pravda ( ru. Русская правда, Russkaya Pravda ; Archaic: Правда Роська, Pravda Ros ka ; uk. Руська Правда, Rus ka Pravda ) was the legal code of Kievan Rus and the subsequent Rus principalities during the times of feudal division. While it … Wikipedia
Korean literature — is the body of literature produced in Korea or by Korean writers. For much of its 3,000 years of literature history, it was written both in Hanja and in Korean, first using the transcription systems idu and gugyeol, and finally using the Korean… … Wikipedia
Stanford Lake College — Stanford Lake CollegeHeadmasterBrian DawsonSchool typeIndependent Day/Boarding Co EdFounded1998LocationHaenertsburg, Limpopo Province, South AfricaEnrollment272 (max)School coloursGreen, Navy and WhiteGrades8 12Stanford Lake College is an… … Wikipedia