prices come down

prices come down
цены снижаются

Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "prices come down" в других словарях:

  • down — down1 [doun] adv. [ME doun < adune, adown < OE adune, ofdune, from the hill < a , of , off, from + dune, dat. of dun, hill: see DOWN3] 1. from a higher to a lower place; toward the ground 2. in, on, or to a lower position or level;… …   English World dictionary

  • down — down1 [ daun ] function word *** Down can be used in the following ways: as a preposition (followed by a noun): She was walking down the street. as an adverb (without a following noun): She lay down and fell asleep. after the verb to be : Oil… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • down — I UK [daʊn] / US adjective, adverb, preposition *** Summary: Down can be used in the following ways: as a preposition (followed by a noun): She was walking down the street. as an adverb (without a following noun): She lay down and fell asleep.… …   English dictionary

  • come — v. & n. v.intr. (past came; past part. come) 1 move, be brought towards, or reach a place thought of as near or familiar to the speaker or hearer (come and see me; shall we come to your house?; the books have come). 2 reach or be brought to a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • down — ▪ I. down down 1 [daʊn] adverb 1. if an amount or the level of something goes down, it falls to a lower amount or level: • By lunchtime, the 100 index was down 4.2 at 3053.1. • 59% of companies report sales volume down on a year ago. • The cuts… …   Financial and business terms

  • down — down1 W1S1 [daun] adv, prep, adj ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(to a lower position)¦ 2¦(in a lower place)¦ 3¦(to lie/sit)¦ 4¦(along)¦ 5¦(south)¦ 6¦(somewhere local)¦ 7¦(river)¦ 8¦(fastened to a surface)¦ 9¦(less)¦ 10¦(losing)¦ …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • down — down1 W1S1 [daun] adv, prep, adj ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(to a lower position)¦ 2¦(in a lower place)¦ 3¦(to lie/sit)¦ 4¦(along)¦ 5¦(south)¦ 6¦(somewhere local)¦ 7¦(river)¦ 8¦(fastened to a surface)¦ 9¦(less)¦ 10¦(losing)¦ …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • down — 1 /daUn/ adverb 1 from above towards a lower place or position: David bent down to tie his shoelace. | The sun beat down on their heads all day long. 2 at a lower place or position than usual: You can t cross here, the bridge is down. 3 at or… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • force down — /ˌfɔ:s daυn/ verb to make something such as prices become lower ♦ to force prices down to make prices come down ● Competition has forced prices down …   Marketing dictionary in english

  • force down — /ˌfɔ:s daυn/ verb to make something such as prices become lower ♦ to force prices down to make prices come down ● Competition has forced prices down …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • Prices and Incomes Accord — The Prices and Incomes Accord was an agreement between the Australian Council of Trade Unions and the Australian Labor Party government of Prime Minister Bob Hawke and Treasurer (later Prime Minister) Paul Keating. Employers were not party to the …   Wikipedia

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