- preferential shares
- привилегированные акции
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
preferential shares — preference shares, preference stock, preferential shares or preferential stock plural noun Shares or stock on which dividends must be paid before those on other kinds • • • Main Entry: ↑prefer … Useful english dictionary
Preferential — Pref er*en tial, a. Giving, indicating, or having a preference or precedence; as, a preferential claim; preferential shares. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
preferential stock — preference shares, preference stock, preferential shares or preferential stock plural noun Shares or stock on which dividends must be paid before those on other kinds • • • Main Entry: ↑prefer … Useful english dictionary
preferential dividend — A dividend which the shareholder is entitled to receive ahead of the payment of dividends on other classes of shares (usually the ordinary shares). The dividend is usually a fixed percentage of the nominal value (and any premium) paid up on the… … Law dictionary
preferential form — The London Stock Exchange allows companies offering shares to the public to set aside up to 10% of the issue for applications from employees and, where a parent company is floating off a subsidiary, from shareholders of the parent company.… … Financial and business terms
preferential treatment — /ˌprɛfərɛnʃəl ˈtritmənt/ (say .prefuhrenshuhl treetmuhnt) noun preference given to someone as in employment, allocation of shares, etc., on the basis of something other than merit …
preference shares — noun stock whose holders are guaranteed priority in the payment of dividends but whose holders have no voting rights • Syn: ↑preferred stock, ↑preferred shares • Hypernyms: ↑stock • Hyponyms: ↑cumulative preferred, ↑cumulativ … Useful english dictionary
Class Of Shares — 1. Types of listed company stock that are differentiated by the level of voting rights shareholders receive. For example, a listed company might have two share classes, or classes of stock, designated as Class A and Class B. 2. With load mutual… … Investment dictionary
United Kingdom company law — Beside the River Thames, the City of London is a global financial centre. Within the Square Mile, the London Stock Exchange lies at the heart of the United Kingdom s corporations. United Kingdom company law is the body of rules that concern… … Wikipedia
preference stock — noun Britain : preferred stock * * * Brit. See preferred stock. [1855 60] * * * preference shares, preference stock, preferential shares or preferential stock plural noun Shares or stock on which d … Useful english dictionary
Enterprise Investment Scheme — The Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) is a series of tax reliefs designed to encourage investments in small unquoted companies carrying on a qualifying trade in the United Kingdom.PurposeInvestment in companies that are not listed on a stock… … Wikipedia