- practical
- ˈpræktɪkəlпрактический, основанный на опыте, практический, целесообразный, фактический, действительный
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Practical — Prac ti*cal, a. [L. practicus active, Gr. ? fit for doing or performing, practical, active, fr. ? to do, work, effect: cf. F. pratique, formerly also practique. Cf. {Pragmatic}, {Practice}.] 1. Of or pertaining to practice or action. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
practical — [prak′ti kəl] adj. [ PRACTIC + AL] 1. of, exhibited in, or obtained through practice or action [practical knowledge] 2. a) usable; workable; useful and sensible [practical proposals] b) designed for use; utilitarian … English World dictionary
practical — (adj.) c.1600, earlier practic (adj.) in same sense (late 14c.), from O.Fr. practique (adj.) fit for action, earlier pratique (13c.), from M.L. practicalis, L.L. practicus practical, from Gk. praktikos practical … Etymology dictionary
practical — [adj1] realistic, useful applied, both feet on the ground*, businesslike, commonsensical, constructive, doable, down to earth, efficient, empirical, experimental, factual, feasible, functional, handy, hard boiled*, implicit, in action, in… … New thesaurus
practical — ► ADJECTIVE 1) of or concerned with practice rather than theory. 2) likely to be effective in real circumstances; feasible. 3) suitable for a particular purpose. 4) realistic in approach. 5) skilled at manual tasks. 6) so nearly the case that it… … English terms dictionary
practical — I noun adaptable, advantageous, aiding, all purpose, applicable, assisting, beneficial, commodious, conducive, convenient, effective, effectual, efficacious, efficient, employable, expedient, expediential, fitting, functional, handy, helpful,… … Law dictionary
practical — *practicable … New Dictionary of Synonyms
practical — prac|ti|cal1 W2S3 [ˈpræktıkəl] adj ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(real)¦ 2¦(effective)¦ 3¦(clear thinking)¦ 4¦(suitable)¦ 5¦(using your hands)¦ 6 for/to all practical purposes 7 practical certainty/disaster/sell out etc ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [Date: 1500 1600; : Late Latin; Origin … Dictionary of contemporary English
practical — 1 adjective 1 CONCERNED WITH REAL SITUATIONS concerned with real situations and events rather than ideas: How much practical experience do you have of working with computers? | a practical knowledge of simple medicine | Most of the things you… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
practical — practicality, practicalness, n. /prak ti keuhl/, adj. 1. of or pertaining to practice or action: practical mathematics. 2. consisting of, involving, or resulting from practice or action: a practical application of a rule. 3. of, pertaining to, or … Universalium
practical — [[t]præ̱ktɪk(ə)l[/t]] ♦♦♦ practicals 1) ADJ: usu ADJ n The practical aspects of something involve real situations and events, rather than just ideas and theories. We can offer you practical suggestions on how to increase the fibre in your daily… … English dictionary