- pool resources
- объединить ресурсы
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
pool — See commodity pool. The CENTER ONLINE Futures Glossary (1) For mortgage backed securities, a pool is a group of mortgage loans backing an individual security issue. (2) In funds transfer pricing systems, a pool is an aggregation of funds to… … Financial and business terms
pool — /pu:l/ noun 1. an unused supply ● a pool of unemployed labour or of expertise 2. US a group of mortgages and other collateral used to back a loan ■ verb ♦ to pool resources to put all resources together so as to be more powerful or profitable ♦… … Dictionary of banking and finance
Pool — may refer to: Bodies of water*Plunge pool, small, deep body of water *The River Pool, river in England, tributary to the River Ravensbourne *Reflecting pool, shallow pool of water designed to reflect a structure and its surroundings: **Capitol… … Wikipedia
pool — 1 n 1: an aggregation of the interests, obligations, or undertakings of several parties working together an insurance pool 2: a group of people available for some purpose see also jury pool pool 2 vt: to combine (as a … Law dictionary
pool — pool1 [po͞ol] n. [ME < OE pol, akin to Du poel & Ger pfuhl, prob. ult. < IE base * bhel , to shine, glimmer] 1. a small pond, as in a garden 2. a small collection of liquid, as a puddle 3. SWIMMING POOL 4. a deep, still spot in a river ☆ … English World dictionary
Pool Hayes Arts and Community School — is one of the biggest and best known secondary schools in the Metropolitan Borough of Walsall.On September the first 2006 to begin the term, Pool Hayes has been designated Specialist Status as an Arts College which has brought a big increase in… … Wikipedia
pool — I [[t]pul[/t]] n. 1) a small body of standing water; a small pond 2) a still, deep place in a stream 3) any small collection of liquid on a surface; puddle: a pool of blood[/ex] 4) swimming pool 5) gel pet a subterranean accumulation of oil or… … From formal English to slang
Pool (computer science) — A pool in computer science is a set of initialised resources that are kept ready to use, rather than allocated and destroyed on demand. A client of the pool will request an object from the pool and perform operations on the returned object. When… … Wikipedia
pool — pool1 /poohl/, n. 1. a small body of standing water; pond. 2. a still, deep place in a stream. 3. any small collection of liquid on a surface: a pool of blood. 4. a puddle. 5. See swimming pool. 6. a subterranean accumulation of oil or gas held… … Universalium
pool — 1 /pu:l/ noun 1 WATER (C) a) a swimming pool or paddling pool: Does the hotel have a pool? | an inflatable rubber wading pool b) a small area of still water in a hollow place: The children hunted for crabs in the pools between the rocks. | where… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
resources — n. 1) to develop; exploit, tap resources 2) to husband; marshall; pool, share one s resources 3) economic; natural; untapped resources (to exploit natural resources) 4) the resources to + inf. (we have the resources to do the job) * * * exploit… … Combinatory dictionary