place money on deposit

place money on deposit
вносить (помещать) деньги в депозит

Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "place money on deposit" в других словарях:

  • Money fund — Money funds (or money market funds , money market mutual funds ) are mutual funds that invest in short term debt instruments. Explanation Money market funds, also known as principal stability funds, seek to limit exposure to losses due to credit …   Wikipedia

  • money — currency and coin that are guaranteed as legal tender by the government, a regulatory agency or bank. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary at the money out of the money in the money NYSE Euronext Glossary * * * money mon‧ey [ˈmʌni] noun …   Financial and business terms

  • deposit — ▪ I. deposit de‧pos‧it 1 [dɪˈpɒzt ǁ dɪˈpɑː ] noun 1. [countable] BANKING an amount of money paid into a bank account or held in a bank account, especially when it is earning interest: • Residents have some $4 billion in deposits in local… …   Financial and business terms

  • Money market fund — This article is about the type of mutual fund. For the type of bank deposit account, see Money market account. A money market fund (also known as money market mutual fund) is an open ended mutual fund that invests in short term debt securities… …   Wikipedia

  • Money — For other uses, see Money (disambiguation). Coins and banknotes – the two most common physical forms of money …   Wikipedia

  • deposit — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. precipitate, sediment, dregs, lees; vein; pledge, payment, security. See remainder. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [Money given as security] Syn. down payment, security deposit, earnest money, partial payment; …   English dictionary for students

  • Deposit (politics) — A deposit is a sum of money that a candidate must pay in return for the right to stand for election to certain political offices, particularly seats in legislatures. Contents 1 United Kingdom 2 Canada 3 Republic of Ireland 4 …   Wikipedia

  • place — /pleɪs/ verb to put ♦ to place money in an account to deposit money in an account ♦ to place a block of shares to find a buyer for a block of shares ♦ to place a contract to decide that a certain company shall have the contract to do work ♦ to… …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • Money Market Account — A savings account that offers the competitive rate of interest (real rate) in exchange for larger than normal deposits. Also known by the acronym MMDA , which stands for money market demand account or money market deposit account . Many money… …   Investment dictionary

  • deposit — de·pos·it 1 /di pä zət/ vt 1: to place for safekeeping or as security may deposit the property with the court; esp: to put in a bank account 2 in the civil law of Louisiana: to place (movable property) under a deposit the depository can not make… …   Law dictionary

  • Money laundering — is the process of disguising illegal sources of money so that it looks like it came from legal sources.[1] The methods by which money may be laundered are varied and can range in sophistication. Many regulatory and governmental authorities quote… …   Wikipedia

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