personal sector

personal sector
доходы населения, личные доходы (в анализе национального дохода)

Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "personal sector" в других словарях:

  • personal sector — / pɜ:s(ə)nəl ˌsektə/ noun the part of the investment market which is owned by private investors (as opposed to the corporate or institutional sector) …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • Personal Computer \x26 Internet — Personal Computer Internet Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Personal Computer Internet (o PCI, de una manera abreviada) es una revista mensual editada por Axel Springer y fundada en febrero de 2003, que se dedica a informar sobre el mundo de la… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Personal Accounts — are a proposed new pension system for all workers in the United Kingdom that do not already have a suitable company pension scheme. They will be a simple, universally available, defined contribution pension scheme, accumulating a fund of money… …   Wikipedia

  • Sector General — is a series of science fiction books created and written by the Northern Irish science fiction author James White. The series derives its name from the setting of the majority of the books, the Sector 12 General Hospital, a huge 384 level… …   Wikipedia

  • Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act — The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (abbreviated PIPEDA or PIPED Act) is a Canadian law relating to data privacy. It governs how private sector organizations collect, use and disclose personal information in the… …   Wikipedia

  • Sector eléctrico en Argentina — Se ha sugerido que este artículo o sección sea fusionado con Energía eléctrica en Argentina (discusión). Una vez que hayas realizado la fusión de artículos, pide la fusión de historiales aquí. Argentina: Sector eléctrico …   Wikipedia Español

  • Sector eléctrico en Honduras — Honduras: Sector eléctrico {{{caption}}} Datos Cobertura eléctrica (2006) 69% (total), 94% (urbana), 45%(rural), (promedio en ALyC en 2007: 92%) Continuidad del servicio …   Wikipedia Español

  • Sector público — El sector público es el conjunto de organismos administrativos mediante los cuales el Estado cumple, o hace cumplir la política o voluntad expresada en las leyes que hay en el País. Esta clasificación incluye dentro del sector público: El Poder… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Personal rapid transit — ation concept that offers on demand, non stop transportation, using small, independent vehicles on a network of specially built guideways. Several different designs have been proposed, and as of 2008, at least one is under… …   Wikipedia

  • Personal identification number (Denmark) — The Danish Personal Identification number (Danish: CPR nummer or personnummer ) is a national identification number, which is part of the personal information stored in the Civil Registration System (Danish: Det Centrale Personregister ). The… …   Wikipedia

  • Personal Information Protection Act (British Columbia) — The [ read/gov38 3.htm Personal Information Protection Act] is the private sector privacy law for the Province of British Columbia. It was designed to be substantially similar to the federal Personal Information… …   Wikipedia

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