- pecuniary loss
- денежный убыток
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
pecuniary loss — n. A loss of money or any anticipated economic benefit, such as a child’s support by a parent. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008 … Law dictionary
pecuniary loss — A loss of money or of something by which money or something of money value may be acquired. Dow v Legg, 120 Neb 271, 231 NW 747, 74 ALR 5; Green v Hudson River Railroad Co. (NY) 32 Barb 25, 33. As this term is used in death statutes allowing the… … Ballentine's law dictionary
Any type of defamatory remark, either written or spoken, that causes pecuniary loss to an individual through disparagement of a particular business dealing. — Any type of defamatory remark, either written or spoken, that causes pecuniary loss to an individual through disparagement of a particular business dealing. A comprehensive term for any wrong or harm done by one individual to another individual s … Law dictionary
pecuniary — pe·cu·ni·ary /pi kyü nē ˌer ē/ adj: consisting of, measured in, or relating to money pecuniary damages Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. pecuniary … Law dictionary
pecuniary — pe‧cu‧ni‧a‧ry [pɪˈkjuːniəri ǁ nieri] adjective LAW connected with or consisting of money: • He did not cause the company to suffer any pecuniary loss. * * * pecuniary UK US /pɪˈkjuːnjəri/ US /pɪˈkjuːnieri/ adjective FORMAL LAW ► … Financial and business terms
loss — is a generic and relative term. It signifies the act of losing or the thing lost; it is not a word of limited, hard and fast meaning and has been held synonymous with, or equivalent to, damage , damages , deprivation , detriment , injury , and… … Black's law dictionary
loss — is a generic and relative term. It signifies the act of losing or the thing lost; it is not a word of limited, hard and fast meaning and has been held synonymous with, or equivalent to, damage , damages , deprivation , detriment , injury , and… … Black's law dictionary
loss — n 1: physical, emotional, or esp. economic harm or damage sustained: as a: decrease in value, capital, or amount compare gain b: an amount by which the cost of something (as goods or services) exceeds the selling price compare … Law dictionary
pecuniary — /pakyuwn(i)yariy/ Monetary; relating to money; financial; consisting of money or that which can be valued in money. As to pecuniary consideration pecuniary damages pecuniary legacy; see those titles @ pecuniary benefits Benefits that can be… … Black's law dictionary
pecuniary damages — See pecuniary injury; pecuniary loss … Ballentine's law dictionary
pecuniary interest of judge — Such an interest in the event or subject matter of the suit that the judge will be directly affected by realizing a pecuniary gain or suffering a pecuniary loss. Anno: 10 ALR2d 1320 … Ballentine's law dictionary