payroll tax

payroll tax
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Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "payroll tax" в других словарях:

  • Payroll tax — generally refers to two kinds of taxes: Taxes which employers are required to withhold from employees pay, also known as withholding, Pay As You Earn (PAYE) or Pay As You Go (PAYG) tax; and taxes which are paid from the employer s own funds and… …   Wikipedia

  • payroll tax — ➔ tax1 * * * payroll tax UK US noun [C or U] ► ECONOMICS, TAX any tax that is based on employees pay, and is either paid by an employer or partly taken by an employer from what employees earn: »The proposed budget includes a 3% payroll tax on… …   Financial and business terms

  • payroll tax — pay·roll tax n: a tax that is levied as a percentage of an employee s pay and is usu. paid by the employer Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. payroll tax …   Law dictionary

  • Payroll Tax — Tax an employer withholds and/or pays on behalf of their employees based on the wage or salary of the employee. In most countries, including the U.S., both state and federal authorities collect some form of payroll tax. Governments use revenues… …   Investment dictionary

  • payroll tax — payroll .tax n [U and C] a tax that is taken from someone s wages and given directly to the government →↑income tax …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • payroll tax — a tax levied against the amount of wages and salaries paid workers. [1980 85] * * * ▪ taxation       levy imposed on wages and salaries. In contrast to income taxes, payroll taxes do not include income from capital sources such as dividends and… …   Universalium

  • payroll tax — noun : a government or state tax levied on employers as a percentage of wages and salaries paid to employees compare withholding tax * * * a tax levied against the amount of wages and salaries paid workers. [1980 85] * * * payroll tax, a tax… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Payroll tax model — The common Payroll tax models show the functional relation between Gross income of employees and Payroll tax rate. The following equations give us a new look on the Payroll tax rate estimation. There is another way that wasn t discovered until… …   Wikipedia

  • payroll tax — A tax based on the total of an organization s payroll. The main function of such a tax would be to discourage high wages or over employment. The current employers Class 1 National Insurance contributions constitute such a tax …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • payroll tax — noun (C, U) a tax that an employer must pay to the government in the US, and that is a percentage of the total wages they pay …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • payroll tax — /ˈpeɪroʊl tæks/ (say payrohl taks) noun a tax levied by a Government on employers, based on the salaries and wages they pay out …  

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