- out of turn
- вне очереди
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
out of turn — {adv. phr.} 1. Not in regular order; at the wrong time. * /John played out of turn./ * /By taking a day off out of turn, Bob got the schedule mixed up./ 2. Too hastily or wrongly; at the wrong time or place; so as to annoy others. * /Dick loses… … Dictionary of American idioms
out of turn — {adv. phr.} 1. Not in regular order; at the wrong time. * /John played out of turn./ * /By taking a day off out of turn, Bob got the schedule mixed up./ 2. Too hastily or wrongly; at the wrong time or place; so as to annoy others. * /Dick loses… … Dictionary of American idioms
out of turn — ► out of turn at a time when it is inappropriate or not one s turn. Main Entry: ↑turn … English terms dictionary
out of turn — adverb 1. : not in turn : not in due order of succession play out of turn 2. : imprudently, unadvisedly, or at a wrong time or place throwing their weight around … and talking out of turn Joseph Mitchell might be condemned for heresy if he spoke… … Useful english dictionary
out\ of\ turn — adv. phr. 1. Not in regular order; at the wrong time. John played out of turn. By taking a day off out of turn, Bob got the schedule mixed up. 2. too hastily or wrongly; at the wrong time or place; so as to annoy others. Dick loses friends by… … Словарь американских идиом
out of turn — phrasal 1. not in due order of succession < play out of turn > 2. at a wrong time or place and usually imprudently < talking out of turn > … New Collegiate Dictionary
out of turn — idi a) out of proper order or sequence b) at an unsuitable time; imprudently; indiscreetly: He spoke out of turn[/ex] … From formal English to slang
out of turn — at a time when it is inappropriate or not one s turn. → turn … English new terms dictionary
out of turn — not according to the line, not in order … English contemporary dictionary
Batting out of turn — In baseball, a sequence of nine players come to bat according to their team s batting order, taking turns in an attempt to become a runner and reach base or to help preceding runners to score. Occasionally, one or more batters may bat in the… … Wikipedia
talk out of turn — To say something indiscreet or tactless ● turn * * * speak/talk/out of turn phrase to say something that you should not say because you have no right to say it or because it upsets someone I hope I’m not speaking out of turn, but I preferred the… … Useful english dictionary