- as far as someone is concerned
- поскольку это касается кого-л (чего-л), что касается кого-л (чего-л.)
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
as far as someone is concerned — as far as someone/something is concerned where something is concerned phrase used for saying which person or thing you are talking about I make the decisions as far as finance is concerned. Where spelling is concerned, he’s never been a strong… … Useful english dictionary
as far as something is concerned — as far as someone/something is concerned where something is concerned phrase used for saying which person or thing you are talking about I make the decisions as far as finance is concerned. Where spelling is concerned, he’s never been a strong… … Useful english dictionary
as (or so) far as someone/thing is concerned — as regards the interests or case of someone or something. → concern … English new terms dictionary
far — 1 adverb comparative farther or further superlative farthest or furthest A LONG DISTANCE 1 LONG DISTANCE a long distance: Have you driven far? | We walked much further than we had intended. | far away: My parents don t live far away. | far… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
far — far1 W1S1 [fa: US fa:r] adv comparative farther [ˈfa:ðə US ˈfa:rðər] or further [ˈfə:ðə US ˈfə:rðər] superlative farthest [ˈfa:ðıst US ˈfa:r ] or furthest [ˈfə:ðıst US ˈfə:r ] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(distance)¦ 2¦(a lot/very much)¦ 3¦(progress)¦ 4¦ … Dictionary of contemporary English
concerned — con|cerned W1S1 [kənˈsə:nd US ə:rnd] adj ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(involved)¦ 2¦(worried)¦ 3 as far as somebody is concerned 4 as far as something is concerned 5¦(think something is important)¦ 6¦(love/care)¦ 7 concerned with somebody/something ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1.)… … Dictionary of contemporary English
concerned — con|cerned [ kən sɜrnd ] adjective *** ▸ 1 worried ▸ 2 involved/affected ▸ 3 feeling care for someone ▸ 4 giving your attention ▸ 5 about ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) FORMAL worried about something: Concerned parents held a meeting to discuss the issue.… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
concerned */*/*/ — UK [kənˈsɜː(r)nd] / US [kənˈsɜrnd] adjective 1) worried about something Concerned parents held a meeting to discuss the issue. concerned about: Police said they were very concerned about the boy s safety. concerned that: She was concerned that… … English dictionary
far — [[t]fɑ͟ː(r)[/t]] ♦ (Far has two comparatives, farther and further, and two superlatives, farthest and furthest. Farther and farthest are used mainly in sense 1, and are dealt with here. Further and furthest are dealt with in separate entries … English dictionary
concerned — adjective 1 (not before noun) involved in something or affected by it: The affair is greatly regretted by everyone concerned. | Divorce is very painful, especially when children are concerned. (+ in): Everyone concerned in the incident was… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
far */*/*/ — UK [fɑː(r)] / US [fɑr] adjective, adverb Word forms far : adjective far comparative farther UK [ˈfɑː(r)ðə(r)] / US [ˈfɑrðər] or further UK [ˈfɜː(r)ðə(r)] / US [ˈfɜrðər] superlative farthest UK [ˈfɑː(r)ðɪst] / US [ˈfɑrðəst] or furthest UK… … English dictionary