- obsolescence
- устарелость, устаревание, моральный износ (оборудования)
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
OBSOLESCENCE — Qu’une technique nouvelle jugée plus «rentable» se répande aux dépens d’une technique utilisée antérieurement, qu’un équipement nouveau devienne disponible et donne au travail une productivité plus élevée en abaissant les coûts de production, les … Encyclopédie Universelle
obsolescence — ob‧so‧les‧cence [ˌɒbsəˈlesns ǁ ˌɑːb ] noun [uncountable] when a product, system etc is becoming no longer useful because something better is available, possible etc: • Now markets are subject to the faster obsolescence of products due to greater … Financial and business terms
obsolescence — ob·so·les·cence /ˌäb sə les əns/ n: a loss in the utility or value of property that results over time from intrinsic limitations (as outmoded facilities) or external circumstances ◇ Obsolescence is usu. distinguished from depreciation and… … Law dictionary
obsolescence — (n.) 1809; see OBSOLESCENT (Cf. obsolescent) + ENCE (Cf. ence). Phrase Planned obsolescence coined 1932, revived as a disparaging term 1950s … Etymology dictionary
Obsolescence — Ob so*les cence, n. [See {Obsolescent}.] The state of becoming obsolete. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Obsolescence — Obsolete redirects here. For the album by Fear Factory, see Obsolete (album). Obsolescence is the state of being which occurs when an object, service or practice is no longer wanted even though it may still be in good working order. Obsolescence… … Wikipedia
Obsolescence — Sur les autres projets Wikimedia : « Obsolescence », sur le Wiktionnaire (dictionnaire universel) L’obsolescence[1] est le fait pour un produit d’être dépassé, et donc de perdre une partie de sa valeur en raison de la seule… … Wikipédia en Français
obsolescence — A fall in the value of an asset as a result of its age. For example, plant and equipment may not have actually worn out but may have become out of date because technology has advanced and more efficient plant has become available. It also applies … Big dictionary of business and management
obsolescence — noun Date: circa 1828 the process of becoming obsolete or the condition of being nearly obsolete < the gradual obsolescence of machinery > < reduced to obsolescence > … New Collegiate Dictionary
obsolescence — n. built in; planned obsolescence * * * [ˌɒbsə les(ə)ns] planned obsolescence built in … Combinatory dictionary
obsolescence — ob|so|les|cence [ˌɔbsəˈlesəns US ˌa:b ] n [U] 1.) when something becomes old fashioned and no longer useful, because something newer and better has been invented 2.) planned/built in obsolescence when a product is designed so that it will soon… … Dictionary of contemporary English