- nominal rent
- номинальная или очень низкая квартирная плата
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
rent — /rent/ noun money paid to use an office, house or factory for a period of time ♦ the flat is let at an economic rent at a rent which covers all costs to the landlord ♦ nominal rent a very small rent ■ verb 1. to pay money to hire an office, house … Dictionary of banking and finance
nominal — I. adjective Etymology: Middle English nominalle, from Medieval Latin nominalis, from Latin, of a name, from nomin , nomen name more at name Date: 15th century 1. of, relating to, or being a noun or a word or expression taking a noun construction … New Collegiate Dictionary
nominal — adjective 1) the nominal head of the campaign Syn: in name only, titular, formal, official; theoretical, supposed, ostensible, so called Ant: real 2) a nominal rent Syn … Thesaurus of popular words
nominal — adjective 1) the nominal head of the campaign Syn: in name only, titular, formal, official, theoretical, supposed, ostensible, so called 2) a nominal rent Syn: token, symbolic, mini … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary
nominal — / nɒmɪn(ə)l/ adjective (of a payment) very small ● They are paying a nominal rent. ● The employment agency makes a nominal charge for its services … Dictionary of banking and finance
Rent to own — (RTO) is an informal term for a type of business which rents assets or items, most typically furniture; appliances; or houses, with the condition that the item will be owned by the renter if the term of rent is finished, or that the lease can be… … Wikipedia
rent — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ exorbitant, high ▪ The tenants were not prepared to pay the higher rents demanded. ▪ affordable, cheap, low ▪ … Collocations dictionary
nominal — adj. 1 existing in name only; not real or actual (nominal and real prices; nominal ruler). 2 (of a sum of money, rent, etc.) virtually nothing; much below the actual value of a thing. 3 of or in names (nominal and essential distinctions). 4… … Useful english dictionary
nominal — adj. Nominal is used with these nouns: ↑charge, ↑clause, ↑fee, ↑head, ↑rent, ↑sum, ↑value, ↑wage … Collocations dictionary
peppercorn rent — noun very low or nominal rent • Regions: ↑United Kingdom, ↑UK, ↑U.K., ↑Britain, ↑United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, ↑Great Britain • Hypernyms: ↑rent … Useful english dictionary
peppercorn rent — A token or nominal rent. The name comes from leases where the rent is one peppercorn a year. Other kinds of token or nominal rents, such as £1, or a red rose each year, may also be referred to as peppercorn rents. A peppercorn rent is often found … Law dictionary