- multiplicity
- ˌmʌltɪˈplɪsɪtɪсложность, многочисленность, разнообразие
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Multiplicity — may refer to Multiplicity (mathematics), a mathematical concept Multiplicity (philosophy), a philosophical concept Multiplicity (physics), the number of microstates in a system, in statistical mechanics Multiplicity (chemistry); multiplicity in… … Wikipedia
multiplicity — mul·ti·plic·i·ty /ˌməl tə pli sə tē/ n pl ties 1 a: the quality or state of being multiple or various b: the charging of a single criminal act or offense as multiple separate charges or counts of an indictment or information multiplicity does not … Law dictionary
Multiplicity — bezeichnet: eine italienische Künstlergruppe, gegründet 2000 in Mailand: Multiplicity (Künstlergruppe) den Spielfilm Multiplicity. Deutscher Titel: Vier lieben dich. eine Software für Multimonitorbetrieb: Multiplicity (Software) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Multiplicity — Mul ti*plic ity, n. [Cf. F. multiplicit[ e].] The quality of being multiple, manifold, or various; a state of being many; a multitude; as, a multiplicity of thoughts or objects. A multiplicity of goods. South. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
multiplicity — (n.) mid 15c., from M.Fr. multiplicité, from L.L. multiplicitas manifoldness, multiplicity, from L. multiplic (see MULTIPLE (Cf. multiple)). Related: Multiplicitous … Etymology dictionary
multiplicity — ► NOUN (pl. multiplicities) ▪ a large number or variety … English terms dictionary
multiplicity — [mul΄tə plis′ə tē] n. [LL multiplicitas < L multiplex,MULTIPLE] 1. the quality or condition of being manifold or various 2. a great number … English World dictionary
multiplicity — by Jonathan Roffe Multiplicity is arguably Deleuze s most important concept. It is found throughout his work, and is the basis for other important concepts such as rhizome, assemblage, and concept itself. It is also one of Deleuze s most… … The Deleuze dictionary
multiplicity — by Jonathan Roffe Multiplicity is arguably Deleuze s most important concept. It is found throughout his work, and is the basis for other important concepts such as rhizome, assemblage, and concept itself. It is also one of Deleuze s most… … The Deleuze dictionary
multiplicity — [[t]mʌ̱ltɪplɪ̱sɪti[/t]] QUANT: QUANT of pl n A multiplicity of things is a large number or a large variety of them. [FORMAL] ...a writer who uses a multiplicity of styles. ...the multiplicity of tasks this machine can perform. Syn: host of … English dictionary
multiplicity — UK [ˌmʌltɪˈplɪsətɪ] / US noun [countable/uncountable] Word forms multiplicity : singular multiplicity plural multiplicities formal a large quantity or variety of things The company offers a multiplicity of financial services … English dictionary