- American Stock Exchange
- (но не котирующиеся на бирже the New York Stock Exchange)
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
American Stock Exchange — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El American Stock Exchange es una bolsa de valores ubicada en Nueva York. Esta bolsa de valores es menos conocida que otras bolsas de valores en Estados Unidos, como por ejemplo el New York Stock Exchange o el NASDAQ … Wikipedia Español
American Stock Exchange — (Amex) USA NYSE Amex … Law dictionary
American Stock Exchange — NYSE Amex Equities U.S. National Register of Historic Places U.S. National Historic Landmark … Wikipedia
American Stock Exchange — ( AMEX) stock exchange with the third highest volume of trading in the US. Located at 86 Trinity Place in downtown Manhattan. The bulk of trading on AMEX consists of index options (computer technology index, institutional index, major market… … Financial and business terms
American Stock Exchange — NYSE Alternext U.S. Unternehmensform Teil der NYSE Euronext, Inc. Gründung 1842 Unternehmenssitz New York, USA Branche Börsen … Deutsch Wikipedia
American Stock Exchange — 40° 42′ 31″ N 74° 00′ 45″ W / 40.7086, 74.0125 … Wikipédia en Français
American Stock Exchange — El American Stock Exchange es una bolsa de valores ubicada en New York. Esta bolsa de valores es menos conocida que otras bolsas de valores en Estados Unidos, como por ejemplo el New York Stock Exchange o el NASDAQ Stock Market electrónico. El… … Enciclopedia Universal
American Stock Exchange — AMEX (American Stock Exchange) stock exchange that lists over 3000 publicly traded companies, largest stock exchange in the United States (located on Wall Street in New York City) … English contemporary dictionary
American Stock Exchange — American Stọck Exchange [ə merɪkən ɪks tʃeɪndʒ], Abkürzung ẠMEX, neben der New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) in New York bestehende Wertpapierbörse, an der v. a. die an der NYSE nicht zugelassenen Papiere gehandelt werden. Sie ist aus der New… … Universal-Lexikon
American Stock Exchange — the second largest stock exchange in the U.S., located in New York City. Abbr.: ASE, A.S.E. Also called AMEX, Amex. Formerly, New York Curb Exchange. Cf. New York Stock Exchange. * * * ▪ finance major U.S. stock exchange that also handles… … Universalium
American Stock Exchange — noun a stock exchange in New York • Syn: ↑AMEX, ↑Curb • Instance Hypernyms: ↑stock exchange, ↑stock market, ↑securities market * * * the second largest stock exchange in the U.S., located in New York City. Abbr.: ASE … Useful english dictionary