miscellaneous income

miscellaneous income
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Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "miscellaneous income" в других словарях:

  • miscellaneous income — įvairios pajamos statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis NATO – štabų gautos lėšos, kurios nėra tiesiogiai priskiriamos prie tam tikrų biudžeto straipsnių ir kurios vėliau valstybėms narėms atlyginamos. atitikmenys: angl. miscellaneous income ryšiai …   Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

  • Sundry Income — Income that is generated from sources other than a company s normal business operations. This would include any income that is not generated by the sale of the company s products and services. Sundry income is likely to be less predictible in… …   Investment dictionary

  • Effective Gross Income - EGI — The amount of income produced by a piece of property, plus miscellaneous income, less vacancy costs and collection losses. Effective gross income is a metric commonly used to evaluate the value of a piece of investment property. For example, an… …   Investment dictionary

  • sundry income — n. external income resulting from factors that are not under a company s control, miscellaneous income …   English contemporary dictionary

  • National Income and Product Accounts — The National Income and Product Accounts (NIPA) are part of the national accounts of the United States. They are produced by the Bureau of Economic Analysis of the Department of Commerce. They are one of the main sources of data on general… …   Wikipedia

  • Low-Income Housing Tax Credit — The Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC; often pronounced lye tech ) is a tax credit created under the Tax Reform Act of 1986 (TRA86) that gives incentives for the utilization of private equity in the development of affordable housing aimed at… …   Wikipedia

  • Adjusted gross income — Part of a series on Taxation Taxation in the United States …   Wikipedia

  • IRS Publication 529 - Miscellaneous Deductions — A document published by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) detailing miscellaneous expenses that can be reported as itemized deductions on Schedule A of Form 1040 or Form 1040NR. The deduction is calculated by subtracting 2% of the adjusted gross …   Investment dictionary

  • Tax forms in the United States — are used by taxpayers and tax exempt organizations to report financial information to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). They are used to report income and calculate taxes owed to the government of the United States. TOC Federal tax forms 990… …   Wikipedia

  • Taxation in Germany — Taxes in Germany being a Federal Republic are levied by the federation ( Bund ), the States ( Länder ) as well as the Municipalities ( Kommunen ). Many direct and indirect taxes exist, whereof income tax and VAT are the most relevant. The German… …   Wikipedia

  • schedule — 1) A plan of activities that uses the resources made available by aggregate planning and allocates them to individual jobs, activities, or customers over a particular period. A schedule shows what has to be done, when, by whom, and with what… …   Big dictionary of business and management

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