- antithesis
- ænˈtɪθɪsɪsпротивоположность, резкое противопоставление противоположностей
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Antithesis — Studioalbum von Secrets of the Moon Veröffentlichung September 2006 (Europa) Oktober 2006 (USA) Aufnahme April 2006 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Antithesis — (Greek for setting opposite , from ] that thou shalt love thy neighbor and hate thine enemy, but I say to you the only correct interpretation is, Love all men, even thine enemies. Antithesis was the name given by Marcion to a document in which he … Wikipedia
Antithesis — est le quatrième album studio du groupe de brutal Death metal technique américain Origin. Il est sorti le 7 avril 2008[1]. Antithesis Album par Origin Sortie 7 avril 2008 … Wikipédia en Français
antithesis — (n.) 1520s, from L.L. antithesis, from Gk. antithesis opposition, resistance, lit. a placing against, also a term in logic and rhetoric, noun of action from antitithenai to set against, oppose, a term in logic, from anti against (see ANTI (Cf.… … Etymology dictionary
antithesis — [an tith′ə sis] n. pl. antitheses [an tith′əsēz΄] [ME antitesis < LL antithesis < Gr < antithenai < anti , against + tithenai, to place: see DO1] 1. a contrast or opposition of thoughts, usually in two phrases, clauses, or sentences… … English World dictionary
Antithesis — An*tith e*sis, n.; pl. {Antitheses}. [L., fr. Gr. ?, fr. ? to set against, to oppose; ? against + ? to set. See {Thesis}.] 1. (Rhet.) An opposition or contrast of words or sentiments occurring in the same sentence; as, The prodigal robs his heir; … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
antithesis — [n1] exact opposite antipode, antipole, contra, contradictory, contrary, contrast, converse, counter, flip side*, inverse, other side, reverse; concept 665 Ant. same antithesis [n2] contrast, opposition antagonism, contradiction,… … New thesaurus
Antithesis — Antithesis, in der Rhetorik, Gegensatz, durch den man einen Gedanken heraushebt; vergl. z.B. Rottecks Charakterzeichnung oder vielmehr Carrikirung Karls d. Gr. Die neue franz. u. deutsch. Literatur gebraucht die Antithese nicht, sondern preßt sie … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
antithesis — I noun absolute difference, adverseness, antipode, balanced contrast, conflict, contentio, contradiction, contradistinction, contraposition, contrariety, contrarium, contrary, contrast, converse, counterpart, counterpole, direct opposite,… … Law dictionary
antithesis — 1 contrast, *comparison, parallel, collation 2 opposite, antipode, contradictory, contrary, antonym (see under OPPOSITE adj) … New Dictionary of Synonyms
antithesis — ► NOUN (pl. antitheses) 1) a person or thing that is the direct opposite of another. 2) the putting together of contrasting ideas or words to produce a rhetorical effect. ORIGIN from Greek antitithenai set against … English terms dictionary