- marketable
- ˈmɑ:kɪtəblходкий (о товаре), товарный, рыночный, ликвидный
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
marketable — marketable, marketability An attribute that may or may not be associated with a security. A security is considered to be marketable if it is readily salable to buyers in an active secondary market. As defined by the Office of the Comptroller of… … Financial and business terms
marketable — mar·ket·able / mär kə tə bəl/ adj 1: fit to be offered for sale: being such as may be justly or lawfully sold or bought marketable goods 2: wanted by buyers marketable securities mar·ket·abil·i·ty /ˌmär kə tə bi lə tē/ n … Law dictionary
Marketable — Mar ket*a*ble, a. 1. Fit to be offered for sale in a market; such as may be justly and lawfully sold; as, dacayed provisions are not marketable. [1913 Webster] 2. Current in market; as, marketable value. [1913 Webster] 3. Wanted by purchasers;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
marketable — [mär′kitə bəl] adj. 1. a) that can be sold; fit for sale b) readily salable 2. of buying or selling [marketable value] marketability n … English World dictionary
Marketable — are securities that can be easily converted into cash. Such securities will generally have highly liquid markets allowing the security to be sold at a reasonable price very quickly.This is a usual feature in real estate … Wikipedia
marketable — c.1600, from MARKET (Cf. market) + ABLE (Cf. able). Related: Marketably; marketability … Etymology dictionary
marketable — [adj] easily sold; in demand bankable, commercial, fit, for sale, good, hot*, merchandisable, merchantable, profitable, salable, sellable, selling, sought after, sound, trafficable, vendible, wanted; concepts 334,546 Ant. unmarketable … New thesaurus
marketable — Salable. Such things as may be sold in the market; those for which a buyer may be found; merchantable @ marketable securities Stocks and bonds held of other companies that can be readily sold on stock exchanges or over the counter markets and… … Black's law dictionary
marketable — Salable. Such things as may be sold in the market; those for which a buyer may be found; merchantable @ marketable securities Stocks and bonds held of other companies that can be readily sold on stock exchanges or over the counter markets and… … Black's law dictionary
marketable — adjective Date: 1600 1. a. fit to be offered for sale in a market < food that is not marketable > b. wanted by purchasers or employers ; salable < marketable securities > < marketable skills > 2. of or relating to buying or selling • … New Collegiate Dictionary
marketable — [[t]mɑ͟ː(r)kɪtəb(ə)l[/t]] ADJ GRADED Something that is marketable is able to be sold because people want to buy it. What began as an attempt at artistic creation has turned into a marketable commodity... These are marketable skills and will allow … English dictionary