- market rate
- биржевой курс, (англ) рыночный учетный процент (лондонских банков и векселей маклеров)
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
market rate — ➔ rate1 * * * market rate UK US noun [S] (also going rate) COMMERCE ► the amount of money that something costs at a particular time: the market rate for sth »That is the current market rate for any domain name registration. »They put it out at a… … Financial and business terms
market-rate — UK US adjective PROPERTY ► used to describe property that is sold at the usual market price rather than at a reduced price so that poorer people can live there: »There are more market rate apartments for sale than there were three years ago … Financial and business terms
market rate — / mɑ:kɪt reɪt/ noun the normal price in the market ● We pay the market rate for secretaries or We pay secretaries the market rate ▪▪▪ ‘…after the prime rate cut yesterday, there was a further fall in short term market rates’ [Financial Times] … Marketing dictionary in english
market rate — / mɑ:kɪt reɪt/ noun the normal price in the market ● We pay the market rate for secretaries or We pay secretaries the market rate. ▪▪▪ ‘…after the prime rate cut yesterday, there was a further fall in short term market rates’ [Financial Times] … Dictionary of banking and finance
market rate — The rate at which a commodity is commonly sold. Gold Brand Confectionery Co. v Dimmick, 276 Mass 386, 177 NE 547. See market price … Ballentine's law dictionary
market-rate — n. See market price … New dictionary of synonyms
market rate of discount — See bill rate … Big dictionary of business and management
money market rate — In asset/liability management, the phrase money market rate is used to distinguish a rate set in actively traded markets from a rate that is administratively set by banks or other financial institutions. Rates on short term U.S. Treasury notes… … Financial and business terms
Canadian Overnight Money Market Rate — A measure or estimate of the rate at which major dealers are able to arrange financing of securities inventory for one business day. It is compiled by the Bank of Canada at the end of the day through a survey of major participants in the… … Investment dictionary
mid-market rate — vidurkinė kaina statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Pardavėjo ir pirkėjo siūlomų prekės kainų vidurkis. atitikmenys: angl. mid market rate šaltinis NATO mokymų ir pratybų finansavimo terminų žodynas AAP 43(1), 2009 … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
Open-Market Rate — Rate of interest that is paid on any debt security that trades in the open market. Open market rates respond directly to changes in supply and demand. Interest rates for such debt instruments as commercial paper and banker s acceptances are open… … Investment dictionary