make good the deficit

make good the deficit
покрыть дефицит

Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "make good the deficit" в других словарях:

  • make good a deficit, shortfall — make good a deficit, shortfall, etc. ► to reduce the bad effect of there not being enough of something, for example money: »Many employers have been called upon to make good the deficits in their pension plans. »Exports of North Sea oil and gas… …   Financial and business terms

  • make good a deficit, shortfall, etc. — make good a deficit, shortfall, etc. ► to reduce the bad effect of there not being enough of something, for example money: »Many employers have been called upon to make good the deficits in their pension plans. »Exports of North Sea oil and gas… …   Financial and business terms

  • make — ▪ I. make make 1 [meɪk] verb made PTandPP [meɪd] making PRESPART 1. [transitive] MANUFACTURING to produce something by working or by using industrial processes …   Financial and business terms

  • deficit — / defɪsɪt/ noun the amount by which spending is higher than income ♦ the accounts show a deficit the accounts show a loss ♦ to make good a deficit to put money into an account to balance it …   Marketing dictionary in english

  • deficit — / defɪsɪt/ noun the amount by which spending is higher than income ♦ the accounts show a deficit the accounts show a loss ♦ to make good a deficit to put money into an account to balance it …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • deficit — 01. Unless the government raises taxes, the [deficit] is expected to rise by at least 3%. 02. Do we really want the government to make cuts in social programs to lower our [deficit]? 03. The current [deficit] in British Columbia is estimated at… …   Grammatical examples in English

  • make — v. & n. v. (past and past part. made) 1 tr. construct; create; form from parts or other substances (made a table; made it out of cardboard; made him a sweater). 2 tr. (foll. by to + infin.) cause or compel (a person etc.) to do something (make… …   Useful english dictionary

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  • The West Wing presidential election, 2006 — Infobox Election election name = The West Wing presidential election, 2006 country = United States type = presidential ongoing = no previous election = The West Wing presidential election, 2002 previous year = 2002 next election = next year =… …   Wikipedia

  • The Neptunes discography — The Neptunes are a two member producing group consisting of Pharrell Williams and Chad Hugo. This discography lists the recorded performances as a duo and individuals. It also lists the writing and production credits as The Neptunes, as Williams… …   Wikipedia

  • The Apprentice (U.S. season 1) — The Apprentice 1 is the first season of The Apprentice , which aired on NBC in the winter and spring of 2004. It is currently available on DVD. It featured 16 candidates.The first season was a ratings smash, ranking at #7 in the average weekly… …   Wikipedia

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