- long-range plan
- прогнозный, перспективный план
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
long-range plan — A plan that describes the principal factors and forces affecting an organization during the coming years, including long term objectives, the chief marketing strategies used to attain them, and the resources required … Big dictionary of business and management
long-range — 1) ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n A long range piece of military equipment or vehicle is able to hit or detect a target a long way away or to travel a long way in order to do something. He is very keen to reach agreement with the US on reducing long range … English dictionary
Long Range Aviation — ( ru. Дальняя Авиация, Dalnaya Aviatsiya , or ru. ДА, DA ) was the branch of the Soviet Air Force tasked with long range bombardment of strategic targets with nuclear weapons. During the Cold War, it was the counterpart to the Strategic Air… … Wikipedia
long-range — adj [only before noun] 1.) able to hit something that is a long way away ≠ ↑short range ▪ long range nuclear missiles ▪ He scored with a long range shot. 2.) relating to a time that continues far into the future ≠ ↑short range long range… … Dictionary of contemporary English
long-range — long ,range adjective 1. ) continuing or looking far into the future: a long range prediction/plan/forecast: The long range weather forecast predicts an unusually cold winter. 2. ) long range weapons, aircraft, etc. are able to travel over long… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Long range planning — Planning for the future has had a long history. The East India Company may not have promised to win the whole of the Indian subcontinent as a result of its efforts (though it ultimately did just that), but it certainly did understand it was… … Wikipedia
Long Range Development Plan (UCSC) — University of California, Santa Cruz s Long Range Development Plan (LRDP for short) is a plan to accommodate up to 19,500 students if it becomes necessary by 2020. [http://lrdp.ucsc.edu/index.shtml] . UCSC administrators and the UC Regents have… … Wikipedia
Long Range Surveillance Company — OrganizationThe LONG RANGE SURVEILLANCE COMPANY (LRS C) is organized as a company organic to the military intelligence brigade at corps. It consists of a headquarters platoon, communications platoon, and three LRS platoons each consisting of… … Wikipedia
Long Range Identification and Tracking — OverviewOn 19th May 2006 the International Maritime Organization adopted resolution MSC.202(81) which required the establishment of an international system for the Long range Identification and Tracking of ships (LRIT). This resolution amends… … Wikipedia
Long Range Desert Group — Un escorpión, emblema del LRDG. El Long Range Desert Group (LRDG) fue una unidad del ejército de tierra británico de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. El major Ralph A. Bagnold lo fundó en Egipto a continuación de la declaración de guerra de Italia en… … Wikipedia Español
long-range — UK / US adjective 1) continuing or looking far into the future a long range prediction/plan/forecast: The long range weather forecast predicts an unusually cold winter. 2) a) long range weapons, aircraft etc are able to travel over long distances … English dictionary