- amendment
- əˈmendməntисправление, улучшение, поправка (к резолюции, законопроекту)
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
amendment — amend·ment n 1: an act of amending; esp: an alteration in wording amendment s to cure the defect in the pleading 2: an alteration proposed or put into effect by legislative or constitutional procedure the Congress...shall propose amendment s to… … Law dictionary
Amendment 46 — is a proposed initiative on the Colorado ballot for 2008. If ratified, Article II of the Colorado Constitution would state: The State shall not discriminate against, or grant preferential treatment to, any individual or group on the basis of race … Wikipedia
Amendment — may refer to:*A change made to a pending motion or bill by a motion to amend *A change made to a previously adopted law or motion *A change made to a contract *Constitutional amendment, a change made to a written constitution *Soil conditioner,… … Wikipedia
Amendment — [ə mendmənt, englisch »Berichtigung«] das, s/ s, Zusatz, ergänzender oder abändernder Artikel zur Verfassung der USA von 1787 (bisher 26 Amendments) sowie zu den Verfassungen der Einzelstaaten. Die Amendments werden chronologisch an den… … Universal-Lexikon
amendment — (n.) early 13c., betterment, improvement; c.1300, of persons, correction, reformation, from O.Fr. amendment, from amender (see AMEND (Cf. amend)). Sense expanded to include correction of error in a legal process (c.1600) and alteration of a writ… … Etymology dictionary
amendment — [n1] correction, improvement alteration, amelioration, betterment, change, correction, enhancement, improvement, mending, modification, rectification, reform, reformation, remedy, repair, revision; concept 700 Ant. worsening amendment [n2]… … New thesaurus
amendment — ► NOUN 1) a minor improvement. 2) (Amendment) an article added to the US Constitution … English terms dictionary
Amendment — A*mend ment, n. [F. amendement, LL. amendamentum.] 1. An alteration or change for the better; correction of a fault or of faults; reformation of life by quitting vices. [1913 Webster] 2. In public bodies; Any alternation made or proposed to be… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
amendment — [ə mend′mənt] n. [ME < OFr amendement < amender, AMEND] 1. a change for the better; improvement 2. a correction of errors, faults, etc. 3. a) a revision or addition proposed or made in a bill, law, constitution, etc. b) the process of… … English World dictionary
amendment — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ important, major, significant ▪ A major amendment was introduced into the legislation. ▪ minor, slight, small ▪ … Collocations dictionary
amendment — A revision to a document. A UCC financing statement can be amended by filing a designated amendment form, usually UCC 3. American Banker Glossary * * * amend a‧mend [əˈmend] verb [transitive] to make small changes to a law or a document, for… … Financial and business terms