- job training
- обучение профессии
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
job training — darbinis mokymas statusas T sritis Švietimas ir mokslas apibrėžtis Techninio darbo mokymas mokykloje, mokymo kombinatuose, gamyklose, mokyklų mokomuosiuose bandymų sklypuose ir kt. Darbinis mokymas siejamas su įvairiais bendrojo lavinimo dalykais … Aiškinamasis kvalifikacijų sistemos terminų žodynas
Job Training Partnership Act of 1982 — The Job Training Partnership Act of 1982 (USPL|97|300, usc|29|1501, et seq.) was a United States federal law passed October 13, 1982. The law was repealed by the Workforce Investment Act of 1998.PurposeThe law was enacted to establish federal… … Wikipedia
job training partnership act — (JTPA) Federal government worker training regulations providing incentives for employer education programs … American business jargon
On the Job Training — Do you remember when you had a dream and that dream was all that mattered... Directed by Geff Zamor Produced by … Wikipedia
on-job training — onˈ job training or onˈ the job training noun The part of a training course in which a trainee actually works on the job, usu at the workplace and under supervision • • • Main Entry: ↑on … Useful english dictionary
on-the-job training — onˈ job training or onˈ the job training noun The part of a training course in which a trainee actually works on the job, usu at the workplace and under supervision • • • Main Entry: ↑on … Useful english dictionary
on-the-job training — ➔ training … Financial and business terms
off-job training — offˈ job training or offˈ the job training noun The part of a training course that a trainee follows away from the workplace at a college, etc, eg one day a week • • • Main Entry: ↑off … Useful english dictionary
off-the-job training — offˈ job training or offˈ the job training noun The part of a training course that a trainee follows away from the workplace at a college, etc, eg one day a week • • • Main Entry: ↑off … Useful english dictionary
off the Job Training — Ausbildung in Lehrwerkstätten oder sonstigen Trainings bzw. Ausbildungseinrichtungen. Vermittlung des Fachwissens unabhängig vom ⇡ Arbeitsplatz (überbetriebliche Ausbildung). Heute vielfach kombiniert mit ⇡ on the Job Training … Lexikon der Economics
on the Job Training — Ausbildung am Arbeitsplatz durch Zusehen und Mitmachen unter Anleitung einer Facharbeitskraft (⇡ Auszubildender). Heute vielfach kombiniert mit off the Job Training … Lexikon der Economics