job evaluation

job evaluation
оценка работы,тарификация

Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "job evaluation" в других словарях:

  • Job evaluation — is the process of systematically determining a relative value of jobs in an organisation. In all cases the idea is to evaluate the job, not the person doing it.Evaluation typesJob Ranking is the most simple form. Basically you just order the jobs …   Wikipedia

  • job evaluation — UK US noun [C or U] HR ► the process of comparing jobs in an organization to decide what is involved in each one and the salary that should be paid for it: »85% of workplaces have no job evaluation. »a job evaluation scheme/exercise …   Financial and business terms

  • job evaluation — darbo ir pareigų vertinimas statusas T sritis Švietimas ir mokslas apibrėžtis Darbo ir pareigų atlikimo kokybės priskyrimas kuriai nors kategorijai vadovaujantis atitinkama metodika, pvz., vienai iš 25 tarifinių kategorijų (1 – žemiausia, 25 –… …   Aiškinamasis kvalifikacijų sistemos terminų žodynas

  • job evaluation — An assessment of the work involved in a particular job, the responsibilities borne by the person who does it, and the skills, experience, or qualifications required, all with a view to evaluating the appropriate remuneration for the job and the… …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • job evaluation — This is a system of job classification which determines grading structures and pay scales according to characteristics of the job (skill, discretion, responsibility) rather than the employee. Job evaluation is favoured by the equal opportunities… …   Dictionary of sociology

  • job evaluation — noun or job rating : systematic qualitative appraisal of each job or position in an establishment either through the assignment of points for job characteristics or through comparison of job factors (as mental effort, experience, and… …   Useful english dictionary

  • job evaluation scheme — Under Section 1 of the Equal Pay Act 1970, where a worker of one gender is engaged in like work (work of the same or broadly the same nature), if her job is rated as equivalent (under a proper non discriminatory job evaluation study) or is of… …   Law dictionary

  • job evaluation — comparison between one occupation and other occupations in order to determine the salary of workers in that field …   English contemporary dictionary

  • job evaluation — / dʒɒb ɪvæljuˌeɪʃ(ə)n/ noun the process of examining different jobs within an organisation to see what skills and qualifications are needed to carry them out …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • Job analysis — refers to various methodologies for analyzing the requirements of a job. PurposeThe general purpose of job analysis is to document the requirements of a job and the work performed. Job and task analysis is performed as a preliminary to successive …   Wikipedia

  • job grading — darbo ir pareigų vertinimas statusas T sritis Švietimas ir mokslas apibrėžtis Darbo ir pareigų atlikimo kokybės priskyrimas kuriai nors kategorijai vadovaujantis atitinkama metodika, pvz., vienai iš 25 tarifinių kategorijų (1 – žemiausia, 25 –… …   Aiškinamasis kvalifikacijų sistemos terminų žodynas

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