international entity

international entity
субъект международного права

Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "international entity" в других словарях:

  • International Financial Reporting Standards — (IFRS) are standards and interpretations adopted by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). Many of the standards forming part of IFRS are known by the older name of International Accounting Standards (IAS). IAS were issued between… …   Wikipedia

  • International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions — Abbreviation INTOSAI Motto Experientia Mutua Omnibus Prodest, Mutual experience benefits all Formation 1953 Type IGO H …   Wikipedia

  • Entity–attribute–value model — (EAV) is a data model to describe entities where the number of attributes (properties, parameters) that can be used to describe them is potentially vast, but the number that will actually apply to a given entity is relatively modest. In… …   Wikipedia

  • International taxation — can mean several things * the study of the interaction of different countries tax laws, as they affect individuals and companies with income and assets in more than one country * the comparative study of different countries tax laws * the… …   Wikipedia

  • International Fire Service Training Association — is an association of fire service personnel who are dedicated to upgrading fire fighting techniques and safety through training. The mission of IFSTA is to identify areas of need for training materials and to foster the development and validation …   Wikipedia

  • International commercial law — is the body of law that governs international sale transactions. [Mo, John S.; International Commercial Law (2003) 1.] A transaction will qualify to be international if elements of more than one country are involved. [Pryles, Jeff Waincymer, and… …   Wikipedia

  • International Crisis Group — Type Non profit NGO Founded 1995 Location Brussels, Belgium Key people Louise Arbour, President/CEO Method international conflict prevention …   Wikipedia

  • International aid to Palestinians — International aid has played a major role in the Israeli Palestinian conflict as it has been used as a means to keep the peace process going. [Keating (2005), 2] Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip receive one of the highest levels of… …   Wikipedia

  • International strategic management — (ISM) is an ongoing management planning process aimed at developing strategies to allow an organization to expand abroad and compete internationally. Strategic planning is used in the process of developing a particular international strategy.An… …   Wikipedia

  • International Standards on Auditing — (ISA) are professional standards for the performance of financial audit of financial information. These standards are issued by International Federation of Accountants. List of the Standards (ISAs)Respective responsibilities*ISA 200 Objective and …   Wikipedia

  • Entity classification election — For United States income tax purposes, a business entity may elect to be treated either as a corporation or as other than a corporation.[1] This entity classification election is made by filing Internal Revenue Service Form 8832. Absent filing… …   Wikipedia

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