- interested parties
- заинтересованные стороны (лица)
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Interested parties — parties with a direct or indirect interest in accreditation (p. 3.14 ISO/IEC 17011:2004). Источник … Словарь-справочник терминов нормативно-технической документации
Interested Parties Information — IPI ( Interested party information ) is an identifying number assigned in the CISACdatabase to each Interested Party in musical rights management.Example of IP Base Number : I 000000229 7.In October 2001, the IPI database replaced the CAE list.… … Wikipedia
interested party — UK US noun [C] ► any of the people or organizations who may be affected by a situation, or who are hoping to make money out of a situation: »Employees, suppliers, customers, and other interested parties are anxiously awaiting news about the… … Financial and business terms
the interested parties — the parties whom the matter touches upon, those who are involved in the affair … English contemporary dictionary
interested — in|terest|ed W2S1 [ˈıntrıstıd] adj 1.) giving a lot of attention to something because you want to find out more about it or because you enjoy it ≠ ↑uninterested, bored ↑bored interested in ▪ I ve always been interested in music. ▪ All she s… … Dictionary of contemporary English
interested — in|ter|est|ed [ ıntrəstəd ] adjective *** 1. ) not usually before noun wanting to know about or take part in something: interested in: interested in sports be interested to hear/know/learn/see etc.: I d be interested to hear what you think. not… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
interested — / Intristid/ adjective 1 giving a lot of attention to something because you want to find out more about it (+ in): I m not really interested in politics. | Carrie s fourteen now, and all she s interested in is clothes. | be interested to… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
interested — [[t]ɪ̱ntrestɪd[/t]] ♦♦ 1) ADJ GRADED: usu v link ADJ, oft ADJ in n/ ing, ADJ to inf If you are interested in something, you think it is important and want to learn more about it or spend time doing it. I thought she might be interested in Paula s … English dictionary
interested — adjective 1. having or showing interest; especially curiosity or fascination or concern (Freq. 25) an interested audience interested in sports was interested to hear about her family interested in knowing who was on the telephone interested… … Useful english dictionary
interested — /ˈɪntrəstəd / (say intruhstuhd) adjective 1. having an interest in something; concerned: *Interested parties are invited to make written submissions to the inquiry up until July 31 –news, 1991. 2. participating; having an interest or share;… …
interested — adjective Date: 1602 1. having the attention engaged < interested listeners > 2. being affected or involved < interested parties > • interestedly adverb … New Collegiate Dictionary