insurance money

insurance money
страховое возмещение

Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "insurance money" в других словарях:

  • insurance money — Money recoverable on a policy of insurance by the insured against the insurance company which issued the policy. Stacey v Fidelity & Casualty Co. 21 Ohio App 70, 73, 152 NE 794, 795 …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • insurance — Guarding against property loss or damage making payments in the form of premiums to an insurance company, which pays an agreed upon sum to the insured in the event of loss. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * insurance in‧sur‧ance [ɪnˈʆʊərəns ǁ… …   Financial and business terms

  • insurance — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ comprehensive ▪ fully comprehensive car insurance ▪ adequate ▪ additional ▪ long term, short term …   Collocations dictionary

  • Insurance Fraud — An illegal act on the part of either the buyer or seller of an insurance contract. Insurance fraud from the issuer (seller) includes selling policies from non existent companies, failing to submit premiums and churning policies to create more… …   Investment dictionary

  • Money Magpie — MoneyMagpie, a website about money and life, was launched in early 2007 by British author, financial journalist and television presenter Jasmine Birtles. The site has simple information on topics including:* Debt how to keep afloat, get out of… …   Wikipedia

  • insurance — noun 1》 the action of insuring someone or something.     ↘the business of providing insurance.     ↘money paid as compensation under an insurance policy. 2》 a thing providing protection against a possible eventuality. Usage There is a technical… …   English new terms dictionary

  • insurance — in·sur·ance /in shu̇r əns, in ˌshu̇r / n 1: the action, process, or means of insuring or the state of being insured usu. against loss or damage by a contingent event (as death, fire, accident, or sickness) 2 a: the business of insuring persons or …   Law dictionary

  • Money fund — Money funds (or money market funds , money market mutual funds ) are mutual funds that invest in short term debt instruments. Explanation Money market funds, also known as principal stability funds, seek to limit exposure to losses due to credit …   Wikipedia

  • Insurance Investigations — are usually conducted to investigate matters pertaining to insurance claims that are suspicious or otherwise in doubt for some reason. Investigators in this field have differing specialities and backgrounds. Some insurance companies have their… …   Wikipedia

  • money laundering — the moving of the proceeds of crime through the financial system so as to conceal its nature. As a result of a European directive, the UK has implemented rules against this practice mainly through the Criminal Justice Act 1993. Aside from… …   Law dictionary

  • insurance cover — UK US noun [U] (also insurance coverage) ► INSURANCE protection that is given by an insurance company when it agrees to pay money if a particular thing happens, for example if someone is injured, or property is lost or damaged: »When applying for …   Financial and business terms

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