- injure
- ˈɪndʒəповредить,испортить,причинить боль,ранить,причинить вред
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
INJURE — «Toute expression outrageante, termes de mépris ou invective qui ne renferme l’imputation d’aucun fait est une injure.» Infraction juridiquement très proche de la diffamation, l’injure requiert, ainsi qu’en dispose la loi française du 29 juillet… … Encyclopédie Universelle
injure — Injure, Iniuria, Maledictum, Probrum. Injure verbale, Conuitium, Maledictum. B. Laide injure, Blasphemia. Laisser l injure, Concedere iniuriae. Par injure, Contumeliae causa. Nulle injure m a esmeu, Nulla iniuria meipsum pepulit. Prendre à injure … Thresor de la langue françoyse
injure — INJURE. s. f. Tort, outrage de fait ou de parole. Grande injure. injure atroce, sanglante, irreparable. faire injure, faire une injure à quelqu un. endurer, souffrir une injure. oublier, pardonner les injures. repousser les injures. venger l… … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
injure — in·jure vt in·jured, in·jur·ing 1: to interfere with or violate the legally protected interests of: as a: to harm the physical, emotional, or mental well being of b: to cause (another) to suffer from damage to, deprivation of, or interference… … Law dictionary
injure — injure, harm, hurt, damage, impair, mar, spoil all mean to affect someone or something so as to rob it of soundness, strength, or perfection or to reduce its value, usefulness, or effectiveness. Injure in its earliest and still frequent sense… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Injure — In jure, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Injured}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Injuring}.] [L. injuriari, fr. injuria injury, perh. through F. injurier to insult, in OF. also, to injure; or perhaps fr. E. injury, or F. injure injury. See {Injury}.] To do harm to; to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
injure — in‧jure [ˈɪndʒə ǁ ər] verb [transitive] 1. to cause physical harm to someone or to yourself, for example in an accident: • He sought compensation after being injured by a defective product. 2. to make an industry, economy, company, or investor… … Financial and business terms
injure — [in′jər] vt. injured, injuring [altered < earlier injury, to harm < LME injurien < MFr injurier < L injuriari < injuria: see INJURY] 1. to do physical harm or damage to; hurt 2. to offend (one s feelings, pride, etc.); wound 3. to… … English World dictionary
injure — INJURE: Doit toujours se laver dans le sang … Dictionnaire des idées reçues
injure — (v.) mid 15c., do an injustice to, dishonor, probably a back formation from INJURY (Cf. injury), or else from M.Fr. injuriier, from L. injurare. Injury also served as a verb (late 15c.). Related: Injured; injuring … Etymology dictionary
injure — [v] hurt, harm abuse, aggrieve, batter, blemish, blight, break, contort, cripple, cut up, damage, deface, deform, disable, disfigure, distort, distress, do in*, draw blood*, foul, foul up, grieve, hack up, impair, maim, maltreat, mangle, mar,… … New thesaurus