- incremental capital/output ratio
- приростная капиталоемкость
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Incremental capital-output ratio — The Incremental Capital Output Ratio (ICOR), is the ratio of investment to growth which equals to 1 divided by the marginal product of capital. The higher the ICOR, the lower the productivity of capital. The ICOR can be thought of as a measure of … Wikipedia
Incremental Capital Output Ratio - ICOR — A metric that assesses the marginal amount of investment capital necessary for an entity to generate the next unit of production. Overall, a higher ICOR value is not preferred because it indicates that the entity s production is inefficient. The… … Investment dictionary
Marginal product of capital — (MPK) is the additional output resulting from the use of an additional unit of capital (ceteris paribus assuming all other factors are fixed). It equals 1 divided by the Incremental capital output ratio. It is the partial derivative of the… … Wikipedia
Capital, Volume I — is the first of three volumes in Karl Marx s monumental work, Das Kapital, and the only volume to be published during his lifetime. Originally published in 1867, Marx s aim in Capital, Volume I is to uncover and explain the laws specific to the… … Wikipedia
Classical theory of growth and stagnation — Classical economics refers to work done by a group of economists in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The theories developed mainly focused on the way market economies functioned. Classical Economics study mainly concentrates on the… … Wikipedia
Increment — An increment is an increase of some amount, either fixed or variable. For example one s salary may have a fixed annual increment or one based on a percentage of its current value. A decrease is called a decrement. Increment or incremental may… … Wikipedia
ПРИРОСТНАЯ КАПИТАЛОЕМКОСТЬ — (incremental capital output ratio) См.: капиталоемкость (capital output ratio). Экономика. Толковый словарь. М.: ИНФРА М , Издательство Весь Мир . Дж. Блэк. Общая редакция: д.э.н. Осадчая И.М.. 2000 … Экономический словарь
Post-keynésianisme — Le post keynésianisme est un courant de pensée économique développé à partir des années 1930 en Angleterre et aux États Unis. Il est actuellement surtout présent aux États Unis. Il se présente comme le courant le plus proche des idées de Keynes.… … Wikipédia en Français
Icor — can mean:* Incremental Capital Output Ratio * Ichor, a mineral that is the Greek gods blood. * Infantry Combat Regiment (ICOR), a designation in the U.S. Army during the Korean War * ICOR Association for Jewish Colonisation in the Soviet Union,… … Wikipedia
Kapitalkoeffizient — Die Kapitalproduktivität ist ein Produktivitätsmaß. Sie gibt das Verhältnis zwischen der Produktionsmenge (Stromgröße) einerseits und dem dafür erforderlichen Kapitalstock (Bestandsgröße) andererseits an. Statt des Kapitalstocks könnte auch die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Kapitalproduktivität — Die Kapitalproduktivität ist ein Produktivitätsmaß. Sie gibt das Verhältnis zwischen der Produktionsmenge (Stromgröße) einerseits und dem dafür erforderlichen Kapitalstock (Bestandsgröße) andererseits an. Statt des Kapitalstocks könnte auch die… … Deutsch Wikipedia