- husbandry
- ˈhʌzbəndrɪсельское хозяйство, земледелие, хлебопашество
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Husbandry — Hus band*ry, n. 1. Care of domestic affairs; economy; domestic management; thrift. [1913 Webster] There s husbandry in heaven; Their candles are all out. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. The business of a husbandman, comprehending the various branches of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
husbandry — [huz′bən drē] n. [ME husbonderie: see HUSBAND] 1. Archaic management of domestic affairs, resources, etc. 2. careful, thrifty management; thrift; frugality 3. the science or art of farming: see ANIMAL HUSBANDRY … English World dictionary
husbandry — index austerity, prudence Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
husbandry — c.1300, management of a household; late 14c. as farm management, from HUSBAND (Cf. husband) (n.) in a now obsolete sense of peasant farmer (early 13c.) + ERY (Cf. ery) … Etymology dictionary
husbandry — farming, *agriculture … New Dictionary of Synonyms
husbandry — ► NOUN 1) the care, cultivation, and breeding of crops and animals. 2) management and conservation of resources … English terms dictionary
Husbandry — (Roget s Thesaurus) >The economy or management of animals. < N PARAG:Husbandry >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 husbandry husbandry taming &c. >V. Sgm: N 1 circuration circuration zoohygiantics Sgm: N 1 domestication domestication domesticity Sgm … English dictionary for students
husbandry — noun 1) farmers have new methods of husbandry Syn: farm management, land management, farming, agriculture, agronomy; cultivation; animal husbandry, ranching 2) the careful husbandry of their resources Syn: conservation, management; … Thesaurus of popular words
husbandry — n. animal husbandry * * * [ hʌzbəndrɪ] animal husbandry … Combinatory dictionary
husbandry — [[t]hʌ̱zbəndri[/t]] N UNCOUNT Husbandry is farming, especially when it is done carefully and well. ...soil conserving methods of good husbandry … English dictionary
husbandry — Care and management, especially of a farm. The business of a farmer, comprehending the various branches of agriculture. Estate of Slade, 122 Cal 434, 55 P 158. The business of a farmer, comprehending agriculture or tillage of the ground, the… … Ballentine's law dictionary