- have at one's disposal
- иметь в своем распоряжении
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
have at one's disposal — index possess Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
have — (v.) O.E. habban to own, possess; be subject to, experience, from P.Gmc. *haben (Cf. O.N. hafa, O.S. hebbjan, O.Fris. habba, Ger. haben, Goth. haban to have ), from PIE *kap to grasp (see CAPABLE (Cf. capable)). Not related to L … Etymology dictionary
disposal — n. availability 1) to have at one s disposal (I had a huge car at my disposal) 2) to place smt. at smb. s disposal 3) at smb. s disposal device used to grind up garbage 4) a garbage disposal; or: a garbage disposal unit elimination of refuse 5)… … Combinatory dictionary
have — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. own, hold, retain, possess, keep, maintain. See possession. n., informal, rich person (see money). II (Roget s IV) v. 1. [To be in possession of] Syn. possess, take unto oneself, hold; see own 1 . 2.… … English dictionary for students
disposal — disposal, disposition are frequently used without clear distinction when they mean the act or the power of disposing of something. However, when the emphasis is upon what shall be done with money, property, or possessions, disposal tends to imply … New Dictionary of Synonyms
have — v. & n. v. (3rd sing. present has; past and past part. had) v.tr. 1 hold in possession as one s property or at one s disposal; be provided with (has a car; had no time to read; has nothing to wear). 2 hold in a certain relationship (has a sister; … Useful english dictionary
have — I. verb (had; having; has) Etymology: Middle English, from Old English habban; akin to Old High German habēn to have, and perhaps to hevan to lift more at heave Date: before 12th century transitive verb 1. a. to hold or maintain as a possession,… … New Collegiate Dictionary
One Dollar For Life — (ODFL) Founded 2006, Los Altos, California Location 783 Kendall Ave. Palo Alto, California Area served Africa … Wikipedia
One percenter (Australian rules football) — A one percenter (1%er) is a statistic kept in Australian football, and relates to a variety of actions (or checking skills if using North American terms see ice hockey) which benefit the team, but are infrequent or defensive. Contents 1 History 2 … Wikipedia
strings to one's bow, have several (many, etc.) — Have several (many, etc.) resources at one s disposal … A concise dictionary of English slang
Bomb disposal — Bomb squad redirects here. For the Suburban Legends EP, see Bomb Squad EP. For the hip hop producers, see The Bomb Squad. The long walk :[1] A British Army ATO approaches a suspect device in Northern Ireland … Wikipedia