- guaranteed stock
- акции, уплата дивиденда по которым гарантируется другой корпорацией
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Guaranteed Stock — An infrequently used form of common or preferred stock, whose dividends are guaranteed by a third party. Railroads and public utilities sometimes issue this kind of stock. The guaranteed dividend can increase the stock s price. This can also… … Investment dictionary
guaranteed stock — stock for which dividends are guaranteed by a company other than the one issuing the stock. [1890 95] * * * … Universalium
guaranteed stock — noun : stock the dividends on which are guaranteed by a corporation other than the issuing corporation * * * stock for which dividends are guaranteed by a company other than the one issuing the stock. [1890 95] … Useful english dictionary
guaranteed stock — See preferred stock … Ballentine's law dictionary
guaranteed bond — guaranteed stock A bond in which payments of principal or interest are guaranteed by a party other than the issuer. In the USA this is often a state … Big dictionary of business and management
Stock — Stock, auch Capital Stock (einer Eisenbahn), ist die englisch amerikanische Bezeichnung für das Aktienkapital. Der S. wird eingeteilt in Shares (Aktien). Der Besitzer einer Share hat das Recht auf einen entsprechenden Anteil an den Reinerträgen… … Enzyklopädie des Eisenbahnwesens
stock — The goods and wares of a merchant or tradesman, kept for sale and traffic. In a larger sense, the capital of a merchant or other person, including his merchandise, money, and credits, or, in other words, the entire property employed in business.… … Black's law dictionary
stock — Synonyms and related words: Animalia, Broadway, ability, abundance, acceptation, accepted, acception, accommodate, accumulate, accumulation, accustomed, acquiescence, affiliation, afford, allotment, allowance, amass, amassment, ancestor, ancestry … Moby Thesaurus
Guaranteed minimum income — (GMI) is a system[1] of social welfare provision that guarantees that all citizens or families have an income sufficient to live on, provided they meet certain conditions. Eligibility is typically determined by citizenship, a means test and… … Wikipedia
stock — n 1 a: the equipment, materials, or supplies of a business b: a store or supply accumulated; esp: the inventory of the goods of a merchant or manufacturer 2: the ownership element in a corporation usu. divided into shares and represented by… … Law dictionary
Stock Generation — was a website that ran from 1998 to early 2000 and is now part of Internet lore as the longest running, most infamous Ponzi scheme in the history of the Internet. Stock Generation allowed people to trade virtual companies using real money and… … Wikipedia