gross total

gross total
валовая сумма

Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "gross total" в других словарях:

  • Gross margin — (also called gross profit margin or gross profit rate) is the difference between revenue and cost before accounting for certain other costs. Generally, it is calculated as the selling price of an item, less the cost of goods sold (production or… …   Wikipedia

  • gross — 1 / grōs/ adj [Middle English, immediately obvious, from Middle French gros thick, coarse, from Latin grossus] 1: flagrant or extreme esp. in badness or offensiveness: of very blameworthy character a gross violation of the rules of ethics a gross …   Law dictionary

  • Gross — Gross, a. [Compar. {Grosser}; superl. {Grossest}.] [F. gros, L. grossus, perh. fr. L. crassus thick, dense, fat, E. crass, cf. Skr. grathita tied together, wound up, hardened. Cf. {Engross}, {Grocer}, {Grogram}.] 1. Great; large; bulky; fat; of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Gross adventure — Gross Gross, a. [Compar. {Grosser}; superl. {Grossest}.] [F. gros, L. grossus, perh. fr. L. crassus thick, dense, fat, E. crass, cf. Skr. grathita tied together, wound up, hardened. Cf. {Engross}, {Grocer}, {Grogram}.] 1. Great; large; bulky;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Gross average — Gross Gross, a. [Compar. {Grosser}; superl. {Grossest}.] [F. gros, L. grossus, perh. fr. L. crassus thick, dense, fat, E. crass, cf. Skr. grathita tied together, wound up, hardened. Cf. {Engross}, {Grocer}, {Grogram}.] 1. Great; large; bulky;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Gross receipts — Gross Gross, a. [Compar. {Grosser}; superl. {Grossest}.] [F. gros, L. grossus, perh. fr. L. crassus thick, dense, fat, E. crass, cf. Skr. grathita tied together, wound up, hardened. Cf. {Engross}, {Grocer}, {Grogram}.] 1. Great; large; bulky;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Gross weight — Gross Gross, a. [Compar. {Grosser}; superl. {Grossest}.] [F. gros, L. grossus, perh. fr. L. crassus thick, dense, fat, E. crass, cf. Skr. grathita tied together, wound up, hardened. Cf. {Engross}, {Grocer}, {Grogram}.] 1. Great; large; bulky;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Gross tonnage — Gross Tonnage, along with Net Tonnage, was defined by The International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969 , adopted by the International Maritime Organization in 1969, and came into force on July 18, 1982. These two measurements… …   Wikipedia

  • Gross (Nebraska) — Gross Villa de los Estados Unidos …   Wikipedia Español

  • gross — [grōs] adj. [ME grose < OFr gros, big, thick, coarse < LL grossus, thick] 1. big or fat and coarse looking; corpulent; burly 2. glaring; flagrant; very bad [a gross miscalculation] 3. dense; thick 4. a) lacking fineness, as in texture …   English World dictionary

  • gross — [adj1] large, fat adipose, big, bulky, chubby*, corpulent, dense, fleshy, great, heavy, hulking, husky, lumpish, massive, obese, overweight, porcine, portly, stout, thick, unwieldy, weighty; concepts 773,781 Ant. skinny, slender, thin gross… …   New thesaurus

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