- grievance
- ˈɡri:vənsнедовольство, обида трудовой конфликт жалоба (рабочих, персонала)
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
grievance — griev‧ance [ˈgriːvns] noun 1. [countable] HUMAN RESOURCES a complaint made by a worker to an employer, usually because they feel they have been treated unfairly: • All shopfloor grievances will be passed on to management. • You must pursue your… … Financial and business terms
grievance — griev·ance / grē vəns/ n 1: a cause of distress (as an unsatisfactory working condition or unfair labor practice) felt to afford a reason for complaint or dispute; esp: a violation of a collective bargaining agreement usu. by the employer 2: the… … Law dictionary
Grievance — «Grievance» sencillo de Pearl Jam del álbum Binaural Formato CD, casete, Vinil Grabación 16 de mayo de 2000 … Wikipedia Español
Grievance — Griev ance, n. [OF. grevance. See {Grieve}, v. t.] 1. A cause of uneasiness and complaint; a wrong done and suffered; that which gives ground for remonstrance or resistance, as arising from injustice, tyranny, etc.; injury. [1913 Webster] 2.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
grievance — c.1300, state of being aggrieved, from O.Fr. grevance harm, injury, misfortune, trouble, suffering, from grever to harm, to burden (see GRIEVE (Cf. grieve)). In reference to a cause of such a condition, from late 15c … Etymology dictionary
grievance — wrong, injustice, injury Analogous words: hardship, rigor (see DIFFICULTY): *trial, tribulation, affliction, cross … New Dictionary of Synonyms
grievance — [n] complaint, gripe affliction, ax to grind*, beef*, bellyache*, big stink*, blast, case, cross*, damage, distress, flack*, grief, grouse*, hardship, holler*, hoo ha*, howl*, injury, injustice, jeremiad*, kick, knock*, objection, outrage, pain,… … New thesaurus
grievance — ► NOUN ▪ a real or imagined cause for complaint … English terms dictionary
grievance — [grēv′əns] n. [ME grevaunce < OFr grevance < grever: see GRIEVE] 1. a circumstance thought to be unjust or injurious and ground for complaint or resentment 2. complaint or resentment, or a statement expressing this, against a real or… … English World dictionary
grievance — n. 1) to air, vent a grievance 2) to file, submit a (formal) grievance 3) to hear a grievance (the committee heard the grievance) 4) to nurse a grievance 5) to redress; settle a grievance 6) a justified, legitimate, valid; unjustified grievance… … Combinatory dictionary
grievance — griev|ance [ˈgri:vəns] n [U and C] a belief that you have been treated unfairly, or an unfair situation or event that affects and upsets you ▪ anyone who has a legitimate grievance against the company ▪ a means of overcoming genuine grievances ▪… … Dictionary of contemporary English