give short credit

give short credit
давать краткосрочный кредит

Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.

Игры ⚽ Поможем написать курсовую

Смотреть что такое "give short credit" в других словарях:

  • credit — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 arrangement to pay later; money borrowed ADJECTIVE ▪ long term, short term ▪ interest free ▪ foreign ▪ bank ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • credit — /ˈkrɛdət / (say kreduht) noun 1. commendation or honour or acknowledgement given for some action, quality, etc. 2. a person or thing being acknowledged as a source of commendation or honour: a credit to the team. 3. influence or authority… …  

  • Credit rationing — refers to the situation where lenders limit the supply of additional credit to borrowers who demand funds, even if the latter are willing to pay higher interest rates. It is an example of market imperfection, or market failure, as the price… …   Wikipedia

  • Crédit Mobilier — was a French banking company, and one of the most important financial institutions of the world during the 19th century. It had a major role in the financing of numerous railroads and other infrastructure projects in Europe, North Africa and the… …   Wikipedia

  • Credit default swap — If the reference bond performs without default, the protection buyer pays quarterly payments to the seller until maturity …   Wikipedia

  • credit — an entry made on the right hand side of an account and indicating a gain to a liability, owner s equity or revenue account. Glossary of Business Terms money loaned. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * ▪ I. credit cred‧it 1 [ˈkredt] noun 1.… …   Financial and business terms

  • Credit — Money loaned. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * ▪ I. credit cred‧it 1 [ˈkredt] noun 1. [uncountable] COMMERCE an arrangement with a shop, supplier etc to buy something now and pay for it later: • They are saving for new furniture… …   Financial and business terms

  • Credit history — This article deals with the general concept of the term credit history. For detailed information about the same topic in the United States, see Credit score (United States). Credit history or credit report is, in many countries, a record of an… …   Wikipedia

  • Short (finance) — Schematic representation of short selling in two steps. The short seller borrows shares and immediately sells them. He then waits, hoping for the stock price to decrease, when the seller can profit by purchasing the shares to return to the lender …   Wikipedia

  • Credit rating agency — Corporate finance …   Wikipedia

  • Credit card — Personal finance Credit and debt Pawnbroker Student loan Employment contract Salary Wage Empl …   Wikipedia

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