- give occasion to
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Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
give occasion for — index cause Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
give occasion to — provide cause or grounds to; provide with a chance to; cause, give rise to … English contemporary dictionary
occasion — [ə kā′zhən, ōkā′zhən] n. [ME occasioun < OFr < L occasio, accidental opportunity, fit time < occasus, pp. of occidere, to fall < ob (see OB ) + cadere, to fall: see CASE1] 1. a favorable time or juncture; opportunity 2. a fact, event … English World dictionary
Occasion — Oc*ca sion ([o^]k*k[=a] zh[u^]n), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Occasioned} ([o^]k*k[=a] zh[u^]nd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Occasioning}.] [Cf. F. occasionner.] To give occasion to; to cause; to produce; to induce; as, to occasion anxiety. South. [1913 Webster]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
occasion — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Opportunity Nouns occasion, opportunity, opening, room; circumstance, event, opportuneness; crisis, turn, juncture, psychological moment, conjuncture; turning point; given time; nick of time; chance of a … English dictionary for students
occasion — Synonyms and related words: a leg up, advantage, adventure, affair, antecedent, antecedents, author, bare necessities, base, basis, bear, beget, break, breed, bring about, bring forth, bring on, bring to effect, bring to pass, call, call for,… … Moby Thesaurus
give birth to — Synonyms and related words: author, bear, beget, birth, breed, bring about, bring forth, bring to birth, bring to effect, bring to pass, cause, conceive, create, do, effect, effectuate, engender, establish, father, found, generate, gestate, give… … Moby Thesaurus
occasion — /euh kay zheuhn/, n. 1. a particular time, esp. as marked by certain circumstances or occurrences: They met on three occasions. 2. a special or important time, event, ceremony, celebration, etc.: His birthday will be quite an occasion. 3. a… … Universalium
occasion — oc•ca•sion [[t]əˈkeɪ ʒən[/t]] n. 1) a particular time, esp. as marked by certain circumstances or occurrences 2) a special or important time, event, ceremony, etc.: The party was quite an occasion[/ex] 3) a convenient or favorable time;… … From formal English to slang
occasion — 1. noun /əˈkeɪʒən/ a) A favorable opportunity; a convenient or timely chance. At this point, she seized the occasion to make her own observation. b) An occurrence or state of affairs which causes some event or reacti … Wiktionary
occasion — I. n. 1. Occurrence, incident, casualty, event. 2. Opportunity, convenience, juncture, conjuncture, opening, suitable time, favorable time, nick of time, golden opportunity. 3. Necessity, need, exigency, requirement, want. 4. Cause (incidental),… … New dictionary of synonyms