- advance a bid
- делать заявку (предложение) цены
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Bid rigging — is an illegal agreement between two or more competitors. It is a form of collusion, which is illegal in most countries. It is a form of price fixing and market allocation, and it involves an agreement in which one party of a group of bidders will … Wikipedia
bid — 1 / bid/ vb bid, bid·ding vt: to offer (a price) for payment or acceptance vi: to make a bid: state what one will pay or take in payment a contractor bidding for a job bid·der n bid 2 … Law dictionary
bid-rigging — This is when companies agree the outcome of a tender process amongst themselves either by deciding in advance which company will bid, who will bid the best price or what the tender price should be. Bid rigging is strictly prohibited under… … Law dictionary
bid rigging — This is when companies agree the outcome of a tender process amongst themselves either by deciding in advance which company will bid, who will bid the best price or what the tender price should be. Bid rigging is strictly prohibited under… … Law dictionary
advance — ad·vance 1 vt ad·vanced, ad·vanc·ing: to supply or provide ahead of time: as a: to give (a gift) by way of or as an advancement b: to supply (as money) beforehand in expectation of repayment or other future adjustment advance 2 n: a provision of… … Law dictionary
advance — vb 1 Advance, promote, forward, further all mean to move or put ahead, but they come into comparison chiefly when they imply help in moving or putting (something) ahead. Advance usually implies effective assistance, as in hastening a process {the … New Dictionary of Synonyms
bid — [n1] offering of money or services advance, amount, declaration, feeler, hit, invitation, offer, pass, price, proffer, proposal, proposition, request, submission, suggestion, sum, summons, tender; concepts 67,330 bid [n2] endeavor attempt, crack … New thesaurus
bid — vb 1 *command, order, enjoin, direct, instruct, charge Analogous words: *summon, summons, call, cite Antonyms: forbid Contrasted words: prohibit, enjoin, interdict, inhibit (see FORBID) 2 *invite, solicit, court, woo … New Dictionary of Synonyms
advance bid — A bid made after a judicial sale at an advance of at least ten per cent over the bid received at the sale, such advance bid being made as a condition of re opening the bidding. 30A Am J Rev ed Jud S § 106 … Ballentine's law dictionary
Advance of the Islamic Courts Union — Infobox Military Conflict conflict=Advance of the Islamic Courts Union partof= the Somali Civil War and War on Terrorism date=June 4 ndash; December 20, 2006 place=Somalia caption= result=Ethiopian intervention combatant1= Alleged:… … Wikipedia
bid — Synonyms and related words: adjuration, advance, appeal, approach, ask, asking price, assay, attempt, bargain, bargain price, beat down, beseechment, bid for, bid in, bid price, bid up, biddance, bidding, call, call on, call the signals, call… … Moby Thesaurus